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The Versailles Project

The Minutes

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Motion 1  The Restoration of the region of Alsace-Lorraine to France.

Proposed by  France

Seconded by  Britain

Vote  PASS (6/0)

Motion 2  For the German and Turkish colonies to be controlled by Britain and Poland.

Proposed by  Britain

Seconded by   Italy

Vote  PASS (5/1)

Motion 3  Land on the Adriatic coast, in particular the port of Fiume.

Proposed by   Italy

Seconded by  Britain

Vote  Too vague - null and void

Motion 4  The creation of an  independent Polish and Lithuanian state with former borders of the Duchy of Poland and Lithuania.

Proposed by  Poland

Seconded by  Serbia

Vote  PASS (6/0)

Motion 5  The Port of Trieste to become part of Serbia.

Proposed by   Serbia

Seconded by   Italy

Vote  PASS (6/0)

Motion 6  The Creation of the League of Nations.

Proposed by United States of America

Seconded by  Britain

Vote  PASS (6/0)

Motion 7  Reduction of all German Air Forces, Army and Navy.

Proposed by  France

Seconded by  USA

Vote PASS (6/0)

Motion 8  Reduction of German fleet to prevent war to 5 ships and German army to 5000 men.

Proposed by   Britain

Seconded by  Italy

Vote  PASS (4/2)

Motion 9  Italy to obtain land across the Adriatic coast, in particular the Port of Fiume, which was promised to Italy as a result of the Treaty of London, 1915.

Proposed by   Italy

Seconded by  Great Britain

Vote  PASS (5/1)

Motion 10  The countries of Albania, Montenegro, and Serbia to unite as new country = Yugoslavia, with capitol  in Belgrade, to create a powerful united state.

Proposed by  Serbia

Seconded by  Poland

Vote  PASS (6/0)

Motion 11  German forces to leave Belgium.

Proposed by  USA

Seconded by  France

Vote  PASS (5/1)

Motion 12  Reparations for all countries, paid out by losing countries set at 20,000 million pounds. Sum will be divided between victorious countries.

Proposed by   Italy

Seconded by  Britain

Vote  PASS (5/1)

Motion 13  The borders of Poland to be as they were in 1815, after the Napoleonic Wars, but before Poland was split between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Russia.

Proposed by  Poland

Seconded by  Serbia

Vote PASS (5/1)

Motion 14  Reparations from Germany in the form of use of mines in the Rhineland and Saarland for an amount of time to be determined at a later date.

Proposed by   France

Seconded by  Poland

Vote FAIL (2/4)

Motion 15   Germany prevented from to become allies with any losing powers for 30 years.

Proposed by  Britain

Seconded by  Italy

Vote  FAIL (3/3)

Motion 16  All debts to America extremely reduced. 

Proposed by  Italy

Seconded by  Britain

Vote  PASS (5/1)

Motion 17  Slavic lands of Austria-Hungary to be given to Serbia.

Proposed by    Serbia

Seconded by   Britain

Vote  FAIL (2/4)

Motion 18  All countries should be able to have free trade.

Proposed by  USA

Seconded by  Britain

Vote PASS (4/2)

Motion 19  A percentage of the reparations to be given to Poland to help establish the new economy. The amount to be decided later. 

Proposed by   Poland

Seconded by   Britain

Vote  PASS (5/   1 abstain)

Motion 20  The Kaiser and Austrian emperor to stand trial. 

Proposed by   Serbia

Seconded by   USA

Vote  PASS (6/0)

Motion 21  No secret treaties, between Allied countries.

Proposed by   USA

Seconded by   Poland

Vote FAIL (3/3)

Motion 22  Germany must sign to the fact that it was their fault that there was a great war.

Proposed by   Britain

Seconded by   Italy

Vote FAIL (3/3)

Motion 23  Military support as Italy is on the verge of civil war. Military support from neighboring countries.

Proposed by   Italy

Seconded by   Britain

Vote  FAIL (2/4)

Motion 24  Reducing all armaments of all countries.

Proposed by   USA

Seconded by   Serbia

Vote  FAIL (2/4)


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