A general association of nations to be formed for the
purpose of affording mutual guarantees of political independence
and territorial integrity
Proposed by USA
Seconded by Poland
Vote 4/1/1 PASS
Motion 4
Italy is to gain land around the Austro-Hungarian coast
including but not limited to: the ports of Fiume, Trieste,
Trentino and the countries of Gorizio and Gradisca
Proposed by Italy
Seconded by France
Vote 2/1/3 FAIL
Motion 5
Serbia would like the port of Trieste to become part of
Serbia, as it is vital to the trade and development of this
Proposed by Serbia
Seconded by USA
Vote 2/1/3 FAIL
Motion 6
We want the German naval fleet to be handed over to Great
Britain, and added to our current naval fleet, so as to prevent
German naval domination leading to another war.
Proposed by Great Britain
Seconded by -
Vote FAIL (no seconder)
Motion 7
Poland to gain a port on the Baltic Sea
Proposed by Poland
Seconded by France
Vote 3/0/3 FAIL
Motion 8
The people of the port of Trieste to decide in which way
they wish to be governed: by Serbia or Italy, by way of a
referendum (plebiscite)
Proposed by USA
Seconded by France
Vote 4/0/2 Revoked by
amendment 15
Motion 9
Reparations to be taken from Germany to the amount of 20
Billion Pounds Sterling (£20 000 000 000) to be divided amongst
the victorious states, including Poland.
Proposed by Italy
Seconded by France
Vote 3/0/3 FAIL
Motion 10
The unity of Slavs along the Dalmatian Coast with Serbia to
create a greater Serbia known as Yugoslavia governed by
Proposed by Serbia
Seconded by Great Britain
Vote 4/1/1 PASS
Motion 11
Great Britain wants the German Kaiser and military to be put
on trial for starting the Great War
Proposed by Great Britain
Seconded by Serbia
Vote 5/0/1 PASS
Motion 12
Split up Germany into 3 separate independent states, some
going to creation of Poland
Proposed by France
Seconded by USA
Vote 4/1/1 PASS
Motion 13
The removal, so far as possible, of all economic barriers
and the establishment of an equality of trade conditions among all
nations consenting to the peace and associating themselves for its
Proposed by USA
Seconded by Poland
Vote 2/3/1 FAIL
Amendment 14
Italy wants promise of support in event of civil war
Proposed by Italy
Seconded by France
Vote 3/1/2 FAIL
Amendment 15
Serbia is to gain the Port of Trieste and the Dalmatian
coast but will allow Italy to have naval bases along the Dalmatian
coast (number to be decided later)
Proposed by Serbia
Seconded by Italy
Vote 6/0/0 PASSED after
constitutional reform and unanimous revocation of motion 8
Motion 16
Great Britain gets 70% of Germany's navy and France gets 30%
Proposed by Great Britain
Seconded by France (forged signature)
Vote FAIL (forged
Motion 17
Split up Austria-Hungary into different nations, according
to their nationalities
Proposed by France
Seconded by Poland
Vote 4/1/1 PASS
Motion 18
Poland to gain a port on the Baltic sea coast as is stated
in Wilson's 13th point
Proposed by Poland
Seconded by the USA
Vote no vote (repeat of Motion 7)
Motion 19
Clean all debts within the Allied powers, including but not
limited to all debts owed by the allied forces to America
Proposed by Italy
Seconded by France
Vote 4/2/0 PASS
Motion 20
All allied countries will gain reparations from Germany
sufficient to what they lost, as far as Germany is capable. Open
to comprimise
Proposed by Serbia
Seconded by Great Britain
Vote 5/1/0 PASS
Motion 21
Great Britain to gain Germany's colonies Samoa, Papua New
Guinea, Palau, The Ralik Islands and lastly Nauru
Proposed by Great Britain
Seconded by Poland
Vote 3/2/1 FAIL
Motion 22
Reset war debt
Proposed by France
Seconded by Poland
Vote CANCELLED - already voted on
Motion 23
Western Ukraine and Silesia to be part of Poland
Proposed by Poland
Seconded by Great Britain
Vote 6/0/0 PASS
Motion 24
Belgium must be evacuated of foreign troops and restored
without any attempt to limit the sovereignty which she enjoys in
common with all other nations
Proposed by USA
Seconded by Serbia
Vote 6/0/0 PASS
Motion 25
A setting up of an international court of justice under the
auspices of the LON
Proposed by Serbia
Seconded by Great Britain
Vote 6/0/0 PASS
Motion 26
Germany's naval force to be split up accordingly to need
across Europe however guaranteeing at least 12% each
Proposed by Great Britain
Seconded by Poland
Vote 5/1/0
Motion 27
Taxation of all industrial establishments in new German
state - 10% taxation for 7 years
Proposed by France
Seconded by Italy
Vote 3/2/1
Amendment 29
The Gulf of Danzig (on Baltic coast) to be part of Poland
Proposed by Poland
Seconded by USA
Vote 4/2/0
Amendment 30
Italy to gain the Dolomite region from
Proposed by Italy
Seconded by France
Vote 6/0/0
Amendment 31
Reduce armaments to the lowest point consistent with
domestic safety/national security