(Nicola Pasic)
The Slav lands of Austria-Hungary.
We want all Serbs to unite together in a Greater Serbia. More
than several million Serbs from Austria-Hungary, Bosnia, and the
rest of the Balkans would like to be a part of this. They want
their own nation, and are fed up of being ruled under such a weak
Austrian Empire. Many of them will rebel if we are forced to stay
like this, and the last time that this happened, the First World
War was the result. We know what our people want, and we would do
a better job of taking care of them, AND our country. This
proposed country will be called Yugoslavia and would stretch over
a part Austria Hungary, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Albania and Romania.
The port of Trieste to become part of Serbia
We need this
port to carry on with our plans for Yugoslavia, as it is in a part
of Austria Hungary which we want rights over. Many Serbs live in
this area, and it is important that we have rule of this, to
control our people. We also want rights over all of the Dalmatian
coasts including the islands, because many Serbs are situated
along here, as it is on the coast of Austria Hungary and Albania
so it is important that we are able to control the territory
because our Slavic people inhabit it. We also want access to the
three rivers, Sava, Drava and Tisza which are situated in Austria
Self-determination for all Slavs
We do not want
to be ruled by such imperialism. It makes sense that the Serbian
and Slavic people be ruled under Serbian rule and it makes sense
that we have our own rights. The USA should agree with us because
they have always believed that it isn’t good to be ruled by
The Kaiser and the Austrian Empire to stand trial.
To see justice,
we demand that The Kaiser stand trial, as it was Austria Hungary
and Germany that first attacked and commenced the war. If they had
not, there would not have been such a horrific war and so many of
our men wouldn’t have died. Serbia suffered greatly during the
war and out of all of the countries that participated, we lost the
most men. We want revenge against Germany and especially Austria
who declared war on us first.
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