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The Versailles Project

The Versailles Project 2003 

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The National Objectives to be posted by Friday November 7th







France (Georges Clemenceau) 


Important Goals (order of importance to France)

  1. Alsace - Lorraine
  2. Economic gain – get out of debt from war (Germany’s ‘contribution’)
  3. Germany’s admission that they were responsible for the war
  4. Spilt up Germany into separate states (might be hard, sizes to be decided)
  5. Split up Austria-Hungary into different nationality states.
  6. Ownership of all industrial areas in Germany, with a 10% tax going to France to pay debts.

Support of other countries (in return for their support to France)

  1. Support Serbia in its quest for ‘Yugoslavia’
  2. Support Italy’s goal to expand its borders.
  3. Support Poland in its expansion (possible alliance?)
  4. Assist Serbia and Italy with their war casualties.
  5. Allow Britain and Italy all rights over German colonial territory.
  6. Support Britain in taking the German fleet.
  7. Give America special trade routes through France, in return for money (may be hard to achieve)
  8. Support America’s idea of a league of nations.

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Serbia (Nicola Pasic) 

*  The Slav lands of Austria-Hungary.

 We want all Serbs to unite together in a Greater Serbia. More than several million Serbs from Austria-Hungary, Bosnia, and the rest of the Balkans would like to be a part of this. They want their own nation, and are fed up of being ruled under such a weak Austrian Empire. Many of them will rebel if we are forced to stay like this, and the last time that this happened, the First World War was the result. We know what our people want, and we would do a better job of taking care of them, AND our country. This proposed country will be called Yugoslavia and would stretch over a part Austria Hungary, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Albania and Romania.

*  The port of Trieste to become part of Serbia

We need this port to carry on with our plans for Yugoslavia, as it is in a part of Austria Hungary which we want rights over. Many Serbs live in this area, and it is important that we have rule of this, to control our people. We also want rights over all of the Dalmatian coasts including the islands, because many Serbs are situated along here, as it is on the coast of Austria Hungary and Albania so it is important that we are able to control the territory because our Slavic people inhabit it. We also want access to the three rivers, Sava, Drava and Tisza which are situated in Austria Hungary.

*  Self-determination for all Slavs

We do not want to be ruled by such imperialism. It makes sense that the Serbian and Slavic people be ruled under Serbian rule and it makes sense that we have our own rights. The USA should agree with us because they have always believed that it isn’t good to be ruled by empires.

*  The Kaiser and the Austrian Empire to stand trial.

To see justice, we demand that The Kaiser stand trial, as it was Austria Hungary and Germany that first attacked and commenced the war. If they had not, there would not have been such a horrific war and so many of our men wouldn’t have died. Serbia suffered greatly during the war and out of all of the countries that participated, we lost the most men. We want revenge against Germany and especially Austria who declared war on us first.

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Britain (David Lloyd George)  


  • The German fleet to be handed over to Great Britain

  • The reduction of German industrial power

  • Germany to loose its overseas colonies

  • The Kaiser and military leaders to be put on trail

  • Germany to loose Silesia

  • To annex part of the Ottoman Empire between Britain and France

 The German fleet to be handed over to Britain reasons

  • We want the fleet because we are the ones with the largest amount of colonies

  • The navy had been built to challenge our navy so now we should have it so they will definitely not get a huge navy

 The reduction of German industrial power reasons

  • This is something will interest all the countries involved because this is how we determine how powerful Germany is.

  • They have destroyed so much that they should not have a huge industry that can rebuild quite swiftly

  • This will also pretty much so prevent them from ever creating another army to attack anyone with

Germany to lose its overseas colonies reasons

  • These colonies should be lost because all the other colonies that they posses they might try to create a secret army

  • We would also like to take possession of some of these colonies that are held by Germany 

The Kaiser and military leaders to be put on trail reasons

  • Then whoever was in charge of what happened will be made to pay for what happened and whoever else leading it

  • This will also assure that they will not try again

  • This should be done instead of just having them hung or something because this proves we are not barbarians like them

Germany to lose Silesia reasons

  • This was wanted because the Germans could be able to stage an attack from there

  • This is also some of the controversial land that has been changing hands between Russia and Germany for many years.

  • This is also an area that can be annexed into a new country and become part of our empire

  • Also can be used to get Poland to support us because they want it to create their own independent country

We would want to have a league of Nation sorted so that there can be peace and also Germany and Austria have to be signed on from the start.

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Poland (Jozef Pilsudski) 

An independent Polish state

Poland wants their own state. They have always belonged to either Germany or Russia, BOTH of the countries are very weak.

The countries who will support us –-         U.S.A.

Wilsons points

’13.  An independent Polish state should be erected which should include the territories inhabited by indisputably Polish populations, which should be assured a free and secure access to the sea, and whose political and economic independence and territorial integrity should be guaranteed by international covenant.’


  • The Western Ukraine to be part of Poland
  • Silesia to become part of Poland

These two are land that Poland want for their independent nation.

(see map)

  • A port on the Baltic sea coast

With this point Poland does have Wilson’s support.

  • An alliance with France

We should be able to achieve this because France also want an alliance with us. They also support us in having an independent state.

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Italy (Vittorio Orlando) 

The Dalmatian coast is the land opposite Italy’s east side, the Adriatic side. Both the Italian and Serbian government want this land. The Serbs want to make a great state a join all Slavs together. They want to call this Yugoslavia. We wish extend our country over to that side and hopefully improve our economical wealth so that we can help ourselves to recover the money we lost in the war and clear our massive debts that accumulated during the war .

Another thing we want are the ports of Trieste. Only problem; Serbia wants this too. The ports are located north east of Italy just at the top of the Dalmatian coast. We already want to extend Italy over the Dalmatian coast and we want to have control over that area of the Mediterranean that way it would be harder to attack us over the Adriatic.

The Austrian Tyrol is also in the northeastern corner above Italy, which we want.  This land is normally in Austria, but we want it to be ours.

·          All of this had been promised to us in our agreement with Britain and France.

·          We want a port across the Adriatic Sea in Albania. We will use this, for example, to take the raw materials that are at our hand to the countries that need these materials, and in return receive various necessary things that Italy’s people and economy need.

·          We also propose a protectorate over Albania, to defend and help it in times of war and bad economy, for example, and in return to receive a naval base on the coast of Albania leading to the Adriatic Sea.

·          We also want more compensation from Germany in the form of money, to help us clear our debts.

·          An assurance from Britain and the other Great Powers in Europe and the USA that they will support our country if there is an outbreak of civil war in Italy.

·          Germany’s army should be dismantled to prevent future wars and stricter restrictions placed on the German Government about what they can and can’t do.

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USA (Woodrow Wilson) 


NO MORE SECRET ALLIANCES should be allowed or made with other countries.

Lets not have another WW by allowing this to continue. The way to make an agreement is by open diplomat; this is the legal and right way to get an ally. League of Nations will also help resolve this problem because nobody can get behind someone’s back without a few countries knowing about it. 


Free trade 

The removal of all economic barriers, and the establishment of new free trade of an equality of trade conditions among all the nations consenting to the peace and associating themselves for its maintenance. Good idea it will benefit all countries and allow the producers to make more money, also to allow most of the countries present today very useful because we the strongest nations will dominate the markets! 


Land to be returned to its owner!

Although most of Poland is on Russian land it is more important to give Poland her independence than to give. Also we want all French land returned to her, but we don’t want Germany to be destroyed, we want France to have her land back and that’s it! The land that I am talking about is the province Alsace and Lorraine taken by Prussia from France during the Franco-Prussian War 1871. Belgium should be evacuated and join the League of Nations so that her economy can return too normal after this horrible war. 


League of Nations

A general association of nations must be formed under specific covenants for the purpose of affording mutual guarantees of political independence and territorial integrity to great and small states alike. The world needs this so the little countries, and big world powers can have a chance to have a good economy, and make their economy stronger. Guarantees, safe world. It polices the world why not have one? 


World Disarmament

All world powers and armies must reduce their numbers dramatically. We have enough problems without huge armies, including the U.S we all need to put down are arms.


Free seas

Free seas meaning ships free and safe when shipping things around the world. The cause of America getting into the WWI was because the Germans sank American merchant ships. They weren’t doing anything but shipping so that’s why we need a safe passage. We absolutely not want another ship of ours SUNK! So we need to stop it.

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