Term 1
Term 2
Term 3

Luttrell's Psalter Video (Programme 1)

Copy and paste the following questions into a Word document and try to answer as many as you can as you watch the video. 

Comprehension and Recall

  • Who was Sir Geoffrey Luttrell?
  • How do we know he was a wealthy land-owner?
  • What is a Psalter?
  • How was the Luttrell Psalter made?
  • What was the busiest time of year for the peasants on Sir Geoffrey’s estate?
  • What evidence is there of the importance of the harvest?
  • How do the two different mills work?
  • What work did the women do on Sir Geoffrey’s estates?
  • What sorts of amusements are shown?
  • Describe three ‘babewyns’ you have seen.
  • What musical instruments are shown?
  • Why is the Psalter written in Latin?

Examining Sources

  • The programme states: ‘The Luttrell Psalter is one of the few surviving pieces of evidence showing how people really lived in the fourteenth century.’ How useful do you think the Luttrell Psalter is for understanding medieval England? Does it show how people ‘really lived’?
  • What evidence is there in the Psalter of the artists’ sense of humour?
  • Why do you think the manuscript is decorated with weird monsters?

Answered everything? Try some extension activities

Questions taken from the Channel 4 Learning website.