Term 1
Term 2
Term 3

Luttrell's Psalter Video (programme 2)

Cut and paste the following questions into a word document and try to answer as many as you can as you watch the video. 

Comprehension and Recall

‘Fighting and Feasting’

  • How is the family’s wealth indicated in pictures of them feasting?
  • How are the various types of meat prepared and cooked?
  • Give examples of the different kinds of food which come from Sir Geoffrey’s estate.
  • What different kinds of jobs are done by the servants?
  • Name the two types of bow used for firing arrows.
  • What was ‘jousting’?
  • Whom was Sir Geoffrey preparing to fight?

‘Heaven and Hell’

  • How is the Christmas story represented?
  • How is the Easter story represented?
  • How did the saints Catherine, Apollonia, and Bartholomew die?
  • How is the death of Thomas à Becket shown?
  • How is the Last Judgement shown?
  • What was the road between London and York like?

Examining Sources

  • If you were living in medieval times, how do you think you would have felt looking at the pictures showing heaven and hell?
  • In what ways do you think the pictures of Biblical stories are not historically accurate?
  • Why do you think the artists have included so many violent images, monsters and babewyns?
  • What other sources from medieval times would we need to examine in order to check the reliability of the Luttrell Psalter?

Answered everything? Try some extension activities

Questions taken from the Channel 4 Learning website.

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