What tool is the best to use when you are near to the findings?
- Digger.
- Pickaxe.
- Trowel and Small Brush.
- Photo scale.
What is best to do at the start of a dig but is expensive?
- Geo-physical.
- Metal Detecting.
- Eat.
- Nothing.
What do you use when you take a test on the topsoil?
- Digger.
- Brush.
- Axe.
- Toothpick.
At the very start, before you even start to dig what do you do?
- Eat.
- Nothing.
- Aerial Photographs.
- Cut grass.
What records can you use before the dig for evidence?
- Maps.
- Parish Records.
- Credit Cards.
- School Work.
What is the best place to go to get the oldest evidence you can find?
- Library.
- Your House.
- Old houses.
- London.
What is the method called for looking underneath what we can’t see?
- Geo-physical.
- Eating.
- Photo Scaling.
- Cut Grass.
When we look at skeletons we can tell how long they have been there, what do archaeologists use to see that?
- Carbon 14
- Grass.
- Soil.
- Acid.
What can you tell from how far down you dig?
- The Lower you go, the more years it has been there.
- The further down you get less years.
- The lower you go the less information you get.
- The higher you go you get more information.
What are we doing to the past as we dig?
- Making it better.
- Living in the past.
- Destroying the past.
- Dying.
That is the best time to take Aerial photos?
- Midday
- Midnight
- Dawn and Dusk
- On a rainy day.
What tool would destroy the artefacts?
- The Digger
- The Trowel
- The Brush
- The Pickaxe
What was Lucy?
- Australopithecine Afarensis
- Australopithecine Africanus
- Homo Erectus
- Homo Habillis
Would you use a brush in:
- England
- Spain
- Norway
- Poland
What weather is perfect for archaeology?
- Warm
- Wet
- Rainy
- Snowy
Would you use a digger to:
- Clear Topsoil
- Dig the whole site
- Dig out fragile objects
- Use to dig big trenches
Which one of these do archaeology use to date objects?
- Carbon Dating
- Citrus Dating
- Crop Marks
- Trough
Which one of these is a way of aerial photography?
- Crop Marks
- Corn Marks
- Dirt Marks
- Mud Marks
Is Recording the site an important Archaeological process?
- Yes
- No
- Maybe
- All of the Above
Is Archaeology an destructive process?