What tool is used to clean around and uncover small objects?
What is the name of the volcano that erupted and covered Pompeii in ash?
- Etna
- Mount Saint Helens
- Vesuvius
- Bob
Who was Pompeii’s first serious excavator?
- Tony Robinson
- Leonardo de Vinci
- Pablo Picasso
- Giuseppe Fiorelli
What is the name of the earliest species of skeleton uncovered?
- Lucy
- Handy man
- Netherlander
- Eve
When did they start to build the Mary Rose?
- 2000
- 1509
- 1510
- 1409
What tool is used to plot vertically and correctly?
- Small brush
- Hand Pick
- Plumb Bob
- Dental Picks
What could people be preserved in (clue: Pompeii)?
- Chocolate
- Ash
- Water
- Mud
What is the name given to pictures taken from the sky?
- Aerial
- Sky photo’s
- Ordinary pictures
- Aerial photography
Which survey picks up variations in the soil that reflect buried objects?
- A survey
- Radio Carbon dating
- Geophysical survey
- Aerial Photography
What is the definition of objects are found and how they relate to each other?
- Archaeological context
- Relations
- Similar findings
- Same artefacts
What is the name given to historical lumps and bumps in the ground?
- Cropmarks
- Earthworks
- Soilmarks
- Earth
What happens to the field before Earthworks have been reduced to the surface level of the field? (To do with Cropmarks)
- Aerial photography
- Growth
- Ploughing
- Soilmarks
What is the name given to somewhere where archaeologists excavate?
- Bedrooms
- Tea rooms
- Features
- Site
What is the name given to uncovering artifacts and then looking after them?
- Digging
- Recovering
- Conversation
- Archaeology
What is the name, given to things that aren’t the same, which were created by people like pits or postholes?
- Plans
- Features
- Conversation
- Site
What is the name, given to a tool used to uncover very fragile remains?
- Dental Pick
- Small Brush
- HandPick
- Digger
What is the missing word that associates with the following word section?
- Excavate
- Drawing
- Report
- Pompeii
What is the best time of day to take an aerial photograph?
- Night
- Afternoon
- Morning
- Never
What is the name given to the tool used to record laying out the site?
- Small brush
- Plumb bob
- Pick Axe
- 10m cloth tape
What is the most widely used digging tool in the near east?
- Site
- Plumb bob
- HandPick
- Pick Axe