Important Were Economic Causes Of The French Revolution?
Y9 History
major cause to the French Revolution was Politics. People at the time were not
happy with the fact that France was a complete monarchy. The king had power
over everything, whatever he said had to be done was done whenever he wanted it
to be done. Many claimed that King Louis XVI abused his power and that he was a
tyrant. One major thing that made the French people angry was his use of
‘sealed letters,’ known as ‘lettres de cahcet’ to the French. These letters were letters of execution or
imprisonment. The king would sign his
name on the paper and send the letters to his ministers, who could fill in any
name that they wanted. These letters made the people feel insecure of their
lives, even if they had done nothing wrong they always had to fear that a
minister would not get along with them and then they may receive a letter.
During King Louis XVI time of power around 14,000 of these letters were issued
among his people. People were angry that the King had complete power over them
and their families, but they were also angry of the laws that the whole
government had issued. Taxes were issued according to social class, and
privileges like voting and even the freedom of speech depended on a person’s
status. The French were not happy with the power that the government had, they
were angry with the laws that government was enforcing, and overall the French
were upset with their whole political system. This is one factor that led the
people to revolting in France.
Social causes were also very vital to the revolution.
Before the French Revolution the whole way that a person lived and breathed
depended on their social status. The higher classes and the church had to pay
little or no taxes, they got special treatment in court or they had their own
courts and they overall had many privileges. On the other hand the lower
classes had no privileges, the people above them governed them and they had no
control over their lives. The equality that didn’t exist at the time was
definitely another reason that angered the French and drove them to revolting.
One last type of cause to the French Revolution was
cultural causes. Before the French Revolution people thought that the way that
they lived, as described above, was the only way to live. As time passed and
things became more modern the idea of changing the way that they lived crept
into peoples’ minds. And so they decided to try, that is where the revolution
All of these causes, Political, Economical, Social, and
Cultural, all played their own very significant part in the French Revolution.
The question, ‘How important are the economical causes of the French
Revolution?’ can be answered in the statement that without these economical
causes the French Revolution never would have happened. The truth is though
that all of these causes are critically important and that it is all of them
together that caused the French Revolution.