Term 1
Term 2
Term 3

The Industrial Revolution - The Child Labour Debate

John Marshall - Factory Owner

Amelia video
In association with Spartacus Education

debate index

Let me introduce myself, I am John Marshall. I own several mills around the country. I employ many children to work for me, in fact one-fifth of my workers are under 15 yrs old, and they are all very well looked after.

Overseers are not allowed to use corporal punishment on the workers and I have built a school that can be used by children working in my mills. I think many people would agree that the children under my care are well looked after and healthy. They get given the chance to make money for their families, who, if not for the income of their offspring could starve. They get given a place at the mill for as many years as they please, a job for life! A job, that, when they come of age may very well provide for new families of their own. They do not become deformed because of their work, and we try our best to make sure they are in no danger. 

These people trying to end child labour should take a look around them and see the many families that would die of starvation if I and others like me didn’t find work for their children as well. By banning the right of a child to work, you are depriving them and possibly their families the right for a decent life without the worry of hunger or absolute poverty. How could you wish that on anybody, let alone a child?