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Term 2
Term 3

The Industrial Revolution - The Child Labour Debate

Robert Owen - Factory Owner

Sarah video
In association with Spartacus Education

debate index

Hello, my name is Robert Owen and my occupation is a mill owner I am against child labour and make sure that the people in my care are well looked after. I am convinced that people are born good and then are corrupted by the environment around them.

I have decided that if I can create a fair and comfortable working system then it will be easier to get a rational, good and humane working system for all of the people not only the children. 

I am a strong opponent of physical punishment and it has been banned in my mills and the schools that I have set up in the workers villages like the school at New Lanark. I set these up, as I believe that education is the key to creating the type of people that I want the work for in my mill. 

For Children under the age of ten years I have reduced the working hours for those children under the age of ten. I hope that the way I treat the children in my care will encourage the other mill owners to follow my example, because I have found an equilibrium in which everybody is happy because they receive education and fair treatment as well as good living conditions.