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Experiences of the First World War

Key Questions Activities Resources
What happened during the First World War? Watch People's Century 1914: Killing Fields Killing Fields People's Century website. This video is also available on an electronic copy for you to watch on your laptop. 
How do we understand the First World War?  Student led seminars and presentations on allocated topics on World War I.  Neil Stewart The Changing Nature of Warfare
Vyvyen Brendon The First World War.
Cawood and McKinnon-Bell The First World War
Wolfson and Laver Years of Change Chapter VII
Why did the First World War become a defensive war? Reading and note taking Brendon  (28-33)

Research the technical nature of trench warfare.

Vyvyen Brendon The First World War Chapter 3. 


The failure of alternatives: case studies of Verdun and the Somme. Note taking Brendon (33-38) Vyvyen Brendon The First World War
Experiencing the Trenches Note taking Brendon (38-49) Vyvyen Brendon The First World War
IGCSE website 
To what extent did the First World War mark a turning point in the nature of warfare? Read Stewart (Chapter 5) Make a electronic copy of the study guide on page 101 and expand all the headings by giving examples from your reading of the text.  Neil Stewart The Changing Nature of Warfare (76-101)