Narration: Fulton,
Missouri, a quiet little town in the Midwest. Not much has changed since 1946.
Less than a year since the
war had ended, the flags were up to welcome Winston Churchill. But he came to
Fulton bringing a somber message for the world.
Archival Footage:
Churchill's "Iron Curtain" speech
"From Stettin in
the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the
continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of
central and eastern Europe -- Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest,
Belgrade, Bucharest and Sofia. All these famous cities and the populations
around them lie in what I must call the Soviet sphere."
Interview: Clark
Clifford, special counsel to President Truman
"The speech was not
well received in the United States. It was thought to be too tough a speech and
the president was criticised by some for having Churchill over. Just goes to
show how history changes. Now it's one of the great speeches that's ever been
made, because it helped warn the world about the danger of the Soviet
Narration: Back from
overseas came the Americans. For the second time in a century, the United
States had been pulled into a world war far from its own shores.
Three hundred thousand
Americans never came home. But the rest returned to a country wealthier and
happier than ever before.
Interview: Al Aronson,
returning U.S. veteran
"I sort of eased
back into contentment. I said 'Gee this is wonderful.' People seemed to have a
little cushion of money now, you know, which, you know, back in -- back in the
Depression years, no one had any money. You, you just had about enough money to
put food on the table and put a roof over your head and keep your insurance
policy in -- in effect, you know."
Interview: John Kenneth
Galbraith, economist, U.S. State Department
"Before the war we
had 15 percent, maybe sometimes more, unemployed. A very stagnant, unhappy
economy and the war -- war production -- production of munitions, production of
armaments -- put enormous sums of money into the economy, put millions of
people to work -- not only men, but women -- Rosie the Riveter -- and we
emerged from the war with virtual full employment."
Interview: Al Aronson,
returning U.S. veteran
"As soon as the war
was over the factories -- they realized, hey, the Americans have been without a
car since before the war. Let's get back into automobile production. And of
course the people were anxious for an automobile. There was gasoline available.
Foodstuffs became available. So the economy definitely was on the rise."
Narration: War and the
postwar rush to spend put American capitalism back on its wheels.
In the first summer of
peace, the Soviet soldiers rode home. They were awed to find themselves still
In the crowds that welcomed
them, it was the lucky ones who found their sons or husbands. Some 27 million
Soviet civilians and soldiers did not live to see this day.
Interview: Valentina
Gordeyeva, Briansk resident
"We met the
soldiers with flowers, bread, anything we could get hold of. We kissed complete
strangers, we were so happy. Our spirits were rising. We even dared hope that
those who had gone missing might still be alive."
Interview: Victoria
Zlobina, Briansk resident
"The whole of
Russia had been destroyed. Everything from the borders to Moscow lay in ruins.
There were lots of people with no homes to go to."
Narration: Where the
Germans had passed, nearly 70,000 villages had been destroyed. Cities lay in
rubble. Stalin's prewar achievements, the factories and apartment blocks of the
five-year plans, had been wrecked by the invaders.
Interview: Valentina
Gordayev, Briansk resident
"Things which
before the war hadn't seemed too bad were completely destroyed. People were
living in ruins. It's impossible to describe the suffering. You can only
understand it if you've lived through it and seen it with your own eyes."
Narration: For Russians the
end of the fighting brought an instant of pure joy.
Archival Footage:
Russian woman in Berlin
"Here we are in
Berlin. The Reichstag is opposite. Over there is the Brandenburg Gate. The
Germans tried to block it but we went right through."
Narration: Berlin, the
final battlefield.
The capital of Hitler's Reich
had fallen to the Red Army. Dazed Berliners waited to see what the conquerors
would do to them. But there was no organized massacre; the survivors were
allowed to live as best they could.
Stalin even ordered his
troops to feed the Berliners. But the soldiers looted homes, and all over the
city they hunted down women.
Interview: Elfriede von
Assel, Berlin resident
"More and more
Russians came by, they looked through the window, then one of them suddenly
came in. I was babysitting. He took the child from my lap and gave it a toy and
some cigarettes to play with. That was the first time I was raped. It was
terrifying. Afterwards I couldn't speak."
Narration: Stalin's police
chief, Beria, and foreign minister, Molotov, tour Berlin. Germany was divided into
four occupation zones and each of the Allies took a sector of the German
capital. The Allies had decided that Germany should compensate them for war
Interview: Konstantin
Koval, Soviet military administration, Berlin
"Marshal Zhukov
said, 'We have fought long and hard. We've captured Berlin. We have the moral
and legal right to take out as much as possible in reparations. We don't know
what the future holds.'"
Narration: The German
population was forced to help the Russians seize industrial resources. Not just
machines, thousands of craftsmen and scientists were kidnapped and taken to the
Soviet Union.
Central Europe was
reverting to the Dark Ages. This was a space without law, shelter or mercy -- a
continent of nomads. Millions of people uprooted by the Nazis were struggling
home; now it was the turn of the Germans to be the victims.
From the Mediterranean to
the Baltic, the victors were shaping Europe in their own image. Poland, the
invaders' route to Russia, obsessed Stalin. Eastern Poland had been annexed by
the Soviet Union. As compensation, the allies shifted the whole country
westward, giving Poland the eastern territories of Germany. The Germans were
Poles, whose own homelands
had been seized by the Soviet Union, now took over German farms and houses.
Interview: Monika
Taubitz, German expellee
"In the fall of
1945, a young Polish woman, 19 years old, and an older man from the militia
entered our house. The girl asked, 'Who does this house belong to?' And my
mother said, 'To us.' And Hanja, that was the Polish girl's name, said, 'Now
it's mine.' From then on it was Hanja's house.
"Six in the morning
-- the militia came and banged the butts of their weapons against the door --
'Out!' Even though I was only a child, I knew this was it."
Narration: From all over
Europe, some 12 million Germans were expelled from lands they had lived in for
Today it's called 'ethnic
cleansing.' Then, the Allies called it 'population transfer' and the British
helped to move the Germans out.
Victory in London. From six
years of war, Britain emerged happy, but inwardly exhausted.
For the moment, people
cheered for king and empire as if nothing had changed, or ever would.
The king's new prime
minister was Clement Attlee. The British voters had swung leftwards, and
Churchill was out. In foreign policy, the new Labour government held tightly to
the American alliance.
Ernest Bevin, the new
foreign secretary, was a trade union veteran who mistrusted communists. He had
backed Churchill's intervention in the Greek civil war. British interests were
at stake here. The concern was that the conflict might threaten Britain's oil
route from the Middle East through the Mediterranean.
The strongest resistance
movement, the communists, reached for power.
But they didn't know that
Stalin had told Churchill that he had no interest in a communist Greece. The
British army moved in.
The civil war was long and
But Stalin kept his word,
and left the Greek communists to their fate.
The Soviet Union now
dominated the nations along its western border. At first Stalin did not impose
a Soviet system on his new empire. Instead, he built up pro-Soviet coalition
governments. But the communists made sure that the police and security were in
their hands. The Yalta Conference had given Russia control of central Europe.
Interview: Sir Frank
Roberts, British Embassy, Moscow
"We knew perfectly
well what the Russians interpreted as democracy and all that, but then we were
allies fighting a war together. We couldn't very well say to Stalin, 'Now we
are going to write down our interpretation of Western democracy and you've got
to sign up and say this is your interpretation.' It wasn't possible."
Interview: George Elsey,
aide to President Truman
"We began to receive
cables from American representatives in the, what we were all later to call the
satellite countries, on the behavior of Soviet troops with respect to er, er,
the people of Poland, er, of Bulgaria, Romania, Yugoslavia and so on. So, er,
trouble was in the air."
Interview: Robert
Tucker, U.S. Embassy, Moscow
"What would happen
is that such and such a prominent member of the Peasant Party of Bulgaria would
be kidnapped. Simply, would disappear. Er, or other figures who were not acceptable
for inclusion in the People's Democratic new regimes would be
Narration: In Berlin, where
the Allies jointly supervised city life, the communists were careful.
Interview: Wolfgang
Leonhard, East Berlin communist, 1945
"The idea was at
the beginning to cooperate, and gradually, gradually, to build up the party,
making the best organized party, the most militant party, the most active party
and gradually increase the influence on the other parties and gradually take
over the whole situation but not at once.
"We should already
prepare for building up the police. The man for personnel, who changes
personnel. The man for education. So we were flabbergasted, we -- only three or
four comrades and everybody else the social democrats and bourgeois democrats
and so on. So one of us asked and said -- but it must look democratic, but we
must have everything in our hands."
Interview: Lord Annan,
British military intelligence
"Many Germans
perfectly well understood that brown, the Nazi colors, were becoming red
overnight. After all, the methods in some ways were the same, or at any rate
very similar, of forcing people to do things against their will."
Interview: Wolfgang
Leonhard, East Berlin communist, 1945
"For me, my only
comparison was always the Soviet Union under Stalin. And comparable to the
Soviet Union under Stalin in 1935 to '45, '45 to '46-47 in Germany was, er,
wonderful. It was much less terror than which I had witnessed the 10 years
before in the Soviet Union."
Narration: Soviet communism
had stood the test of war. The Red Army was the biggest on Earth, and General
Eisenhower came to pay his respects to the world's newest superpower. But
Stalin feared encirclement by the capitalist powers. At home he watched for
treachery. Those who had been taken prisoner by the Germans and seen a glimpse
of the West might become disloyal. They were being arrested in thousands. The
Americans knew what was going on.
Interview: Martha
Mautner, U.S. Embassy, Moscow
"We had a maid
whose husband was a prisoner of war. When he finally was repatriated and came
back, it was a great reunion, and life was wonderful again, the family was
reunited. Six months later he was arrested because he had been a German
prisoner of war."
Interview: Lev Kopelev,
Red Army officer and political prisoner
"Some were there
because of a general decree by Stalin, some were deserters and thieves, some
White Russian emigres, some Poles from the Home Army. I entered a whole new
world. Prison camps were my university."
Narration: Poland. In the
wreckage of Warsaw, the Poles began to clear the ruins. The Poles had fought
the Germans on every front, East and West. Now they worked together to rebuild
their country. Some loathed the new semi-communist government tied to Moscow. But
others found reasons to accept it and live with it.
Interview: Gen. Wojciech
Jaruzelski, Polish army
"The most important
thing for me was for my mother and sister to come from Siberia, and for us to
begin rebuilding the country. We also needed to secure our borders, which were
seriously threatened. Staying in the army gave me that chance."
Narration: In Moscow,
Poland's new puppet leaders were taken to the opera.
The Poles agreed to a close
alliance with the Soviet Union. Stalin promised to defend the new Polish
frontiers against any German attempt to win back the lost territories.
Stalin was at the zenith of
his power. His colleagues felt terror in his presence.
Interview: Sir Frank
Roberts, British Embassy, Moscow
"The Russian
diplomats, like all other Russian officials or party members or whatever, lived
in terror of the great man, and justifiably so, because if they gave, er,
unpopular advice, er, they might find themselves in a concentration camp or
with a bullet in the back of their heads. It wasn't very easy to give good
advice to Stalin if it was unpalatable."
Interview: Vladimir
Yerofeyev, Soviet Foreign Ministry
"Stalin was
cheerful and in high spirits. At his side were the main guest, the interpreter
and Soviet guests too. The waiters came in with the main course.
"I think it was
turkey. One of them, whilst he was pouring the sauce, dropped some red liquid
on Stalin's sand-coloured jacket. Everybody stopped eating. They were in a
state of shock about what would happen because the stains looked like drops of
blood. But Stalin didn't react. He continued to talk with his neighbor. Then
another waiter came up to him with some water and offered to sponge it out, but
Stalin said, 'No, no,' and he was absolutely calm. People saw that things seemed
to be OK. Everyone began eating again and the routine continued."
Narration: To mark the
Soviet elections, Stalin made a grand appearance. To his exhausted people, he
promised no rewards but only more effort, more five-year plans for heavy
Then, in cloudy words, he
warned that capitalism and imperialism made future wars inevitable. Did this
mean war between the Soviet Union and the West? Abroad, alarm bells rang.
Interview: Paul Nitze,
U.S. State Department
"I read the speech with
care and interpreted it as being a delayed declaration of war against the
United States. There wasn't any doubt about it, if you read the text carefully,
what he was talking about."
Interview: Vladimir
Yerofeyev, Soviet Foreign Ministry
"The speech was
interpreted in the West as no less than a prediction of World War III. I don't
think this was right though. Stalin didn't say anything new or different in
that speech. He said what he had always believed: that with imperialism and
capitalism, war was inevitable."
Interview: Sir Frank
Roberts, British Embassy, Moscow
"What the Russians
were thinking in terms of, was that -- and I think Stalin thought in these
terms -- was that communism was one day going to rule -- be the dominant
ideology in the world, and all countries gradually were going to become
communist. And in the meantime you didn't -- in Stalin's idea -- start
dangerous wars which you might lose, but if you had a good chance of pushing
the cause along you always pushed it along."
Narration: Stalin had
relaxed his dictatorship during the war; but now he was tightening it once
more. The Soviet Union's obvious suspicion of the West disturbed Washington.
An American diplomat in
Moscow, George Kennan was asked what he thought was going on.
Interview: George
Kennan, U.S. Embassy, Moscow
"When they finally
sent me a telegram expressing their astonishment and concern, because the
Russians were dragging their feet about joining the International Bank, I
thought, well, for goodness sake, I can't answer that in one question. They're
going to have to give me space and I sat down and tried to give a picture of
this government as it emerged from the war."
Interview: Robert
Tucker, U.S. Embassy, Moscow
"One of the
strengths of Kennan was his awareness that the Russia in which we were living,
Stalin's Soviet Russia, communism, people called it, actually drew in very many
ways upon the Russian past."
Interview: George
Kennan, U.S. Embassy, Moscow
"I had to go right
back to page one and to try to tell them things that I felt they'd forgotten
during the war. This all hangs together with this whole question that this was
the same group of people who had dealt with Hitler, had tried to deal with
Hitler at our expense and never had changed their views about us."
Narration: Kennan's Moscow
Embassy cable became history: an 8,000-word prophecy that the Soviet Union was
in the mood to expand across the world and must be contained.
Interview: Martha
Mautner, U.S. Embassy, Moscow
"The day that
telegram was drafted I unfortunately or fortunately had the night duty at the
code room and, and was rather perturbed about it because I happened to have a
very heavy date that night: there was a dance at one of the other embassies and
I wanted to get out as early as possible. About 6:30 or 7, George comes walking
in with this six-part cable which he wants to send out, and I took a look at it
and I said it was nice, 'But let's not send it out. Let's wait till tomorrow,'
and I tried to talk him into not sending it. He said, 'Washington wants it.
They're going to get it and you stay here and do it.'"
Narration: Kennan's
telegram alarmed Washington. Days later, its message was reinforced when
Churchill arrived in the United States as President Truman's guest.
Interview: Clark Clifford,
special counsel to President Truman
"They began to get
to know each other. Mr -- our president said to Mr. Churchill, 'Now we'll be on
this trip quite a while and I would be glad if you would call me Harry.'
'Well,' Mr. Churchill said, 'I'll be glad to if you will call me Winston.' Mr.
Truman said, 'I don't believe I can do that.' He said, 'I consider you the
First Citizen in the world and I just don't believe I can call you Winston.'
Winston Churchill said, 'If you can't call me Winston, then I can't call you
Harry.' The president said, 'On that basis, we'll do it.' So it was Winston and
Harry from that time on, and they got on very well."
Narration: Churchill was
due to speak to a college audience at Fulton in Truman's home state. Privately,
he showed Truman what he was going to say. The president, not sure that the
American public was ready for an attack on its wartime Soviet ally, let
Churchill test the water.
Archival Footage: Truman
at Fulton, 1945
"Mr. Churchill is
one of the great men of the age. He's a great Englishman. He's a great
Englishman but he's half-American."
Archival Footage:
Churchill at Fulton, 1945
"From Stettin in
the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the
continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of
central and eastern Europe. Except in the British Commonwealth and in the
United States, where communism is in its infancy, the communist parties or
fifth columns constitute a growing challenge and peril to Christian
civilization. Whatever conclusions may be drawn from these facts, and facts
they are, this is certainly not the liberated Europe we fought to build up. Nor
is it one which contains the essentials of permanent peace."
Interview: Robert
Tucker, U.S. Embassy, Moscow
"Immediately after
that, Stalin came out with answers to a foreign correspondent's questions in
which he compared Churchill to Hitler. And decried Churchill's speech as a
belligerent call to arms against Soviet Russia."
Narration: Since 1945,
America had been extending its influence and power all over the world. Stalin
grew nervous. He put pressure on Turkey to grant the Soviet Union a military
presence in the Dardanelles and the Bosporus. America and Britain feared a
threat to the Suez Canal.
They were determined to
keep Turkey free of Soviet interference.
Archival Footage:
"Mr. Gromyko and
the other Russians then walked out. Their dramatic exit seems to have caused no
obvious reaction at the time, though we can imagine what most of those present
were thinking. One good thing, however, emerges from this incident. The
Security Council had stood its ground."
Narration: Six weeks later,
Stalin ceremonially withdrew his forces from Iran. But Truman, shaken by his
behavior, suspected that Stalin was aiming at world domination.
Interview: Clark
Clifford, special counsel to President Truman
"He said, 'I want
to be in a position to document our concern. Go back over the recent agreements
and list one by one the violations in which the Soviets have engaged.'"
Interview: George Elsey,
aide to President Truman
"I was then Mr.
Clifford's assistant and he turned the task over to me. We talked about it a
bit, and I said, 'Well, it seems to me that that's only scratching the surface,
a list of agreements broken. This is a much more -- there are much more
fundamental problems in our relations with the U.S.S.R. than that. So let's go
at it in a somewhat broader way.'"
Interview: Clark
Clifford, special counsel to President Truman
"We spent weeks on
it then, interviewed most of the top officials in the United States."
Interview: George Elsey,
aide to President Truman
"There was absolute
unanimity, in all of the agencies concerned, as to the nature of the problems
we had, and the kind of response we were going to have to make."
Interview: Clark
Clifford, special counsel to President Truman
"We ended up the
report by saying the policy of our country should be set and clearly set. The
Soviet Union constitutes a real menace to freedom in this world. Freedom in
Europe, freedom in the United States. So we must prepare for it."
Narration: The
Clifford-Elsey report was kept secret. The report concluded that "a war
with the U.S.S.R. would be more total, more horrible, than anything previously
The United States still had
the monopoly of atomic weapons. At Bikini Atoll in the Pacific, two atom bombs
were detonated in July 1946. The warning to Stalin was plain. From now on all
the big powers worked frantically to develop their own atomic and biological
At the Paris Conference of
Foreign Ministers, Molotov was determined to maintain joint allied control of
Germany. But his American counterpart, Secretary of State Byrnes, wanted
Germany to pay no more reparations. For Molotov, Byrnes was too concerned with
German opinion. He was outraged.
Interview: Vladimir
Yerofeyev, Soviet Foreign Ministry
"Molotov was
nicknamed Mr. No, but if he had been a Mr. Yes, Stalin would not have kept him
on. Stalin needed a Mr. No, someone capable of finding out the maximum
information about the other side's position. Molotov would squeeze the other
side to its absolute limit. When he had totally exhausted these methods it was
Stalin's turn. He would come back and resolve matters with a friendly smile."
Narration: It was at Paris
that the wartime alliance began finally to break up. The Americans and the
British were impatient to develop stable economies in their zones of Germany,
without Soviet interference.
Archival Footage:
Germany. Scene of an event that marks a new phase in Europe's destiny.
Secretary of State James F. Byrnes is here to set forth the policy of the
United States on Germany. A speech, widely interpreted as marking the end of
America's appeasement of Russia, Byrnes tells the Germans and the world."
Archival Footage:
Secretary of State James Byrnes
"It is not in the
interests of the German people, or in the interests of world peace, that
Germany should become a pawn or a partner in the military struggle for power
between the East and the West."
Interview: John Kenneth
Galbraith, economist, U.S. State Department
"I listened to the
Byrnes Stuttgart speech with marked approval, because in fact I had written
most of it, and I -- those of us who worked on it, and Byrnes, were not
thinking in anti-Soviet terms."
Archival Footage:
Secretary of State James Byrnes
"The American
people want to return the government of Germany to the people of Germany. And
the American people want to help the German people to win their way back to an
honorable place among the free and peace-loving nations of the world."
Narration: In 1945, the
Allies had approved Poland's annexation of Germany's eastern provinces, up to
the Oder and Neisse rivers. But now Byrnes suggested that the new frontier was
unfair to Germany and might be changed.
Interview: Gen. Wojciech
Jaruzelski, Polish army
"It was a shocking
statement. It made us think that our western border was being questioned by the
Germans and by other Western countries. It was one of the most important things
that strengthened our ties with the Soviet Union."
Archival Footage:
"More pictures have
arrived from Moscow. They show the everyday scene in the Soviet capital's
famous Red Square. And what's in their shops? Well, here's a glimpse of the
sort of things now on display. These new fashions, our cameraman tells us, are
so expensive, that they are quite beyond the means of ordinary people in Russia
Narration: Ordinary people
were much worse off than the newsreels showed.
Interview: Victoria
Zlobina, Moscow resident
"It was a very hard
time. I had a son who was 1 1/2 years old. He used to get a plate from the
cupboard and walk after me saying: 'Give me, give me.' But I had nothing to
give him. We used to go to the market and buy horsefeed."
Narration: On the
collective farms, war damage and the death of so many workers at the front were
deepening a grave food shortage.
Interview: Martha
Mautner, U.S. Embassy, Moscow
"I took a trip down
through the Ukraine and it was the time of the '47 famine that was going on
down there about which nothing was heard in the outside world. The Soviets were
talking about great grain harvests and everything else. We got down there. On
the train stops you would see children with distended bellies begging for
bread, er, at the Odessa itself, people lying out on the streets outside the
hospitals where they couldn't take them in, starving to death. There was
malnutrition everywhere."
Narration: In Germany, too,
hunger and disease were spreading. The nightmare of the Western Allies was that
poverty would drive the Germans towards communism.
Interview: Elfriede
Graffier Poppek, Dortmund resident
"There was never
enough food. We were always hungry. In those days we went on scavenging trips.
We went to farmers and begged. Sometimes we got something, other times
Narration: America's
General Lucius Clay reflected, "There is no choice between being a
communist on 1,500 calories a day and a believer in democracy on a thousand."
Aid to Germany cost Britain
over a million dollars a day. But British supplies were not enough to save
thousands of Germans, who died that winter for lack of food and fuel.
Britain too was weakening.
The fierce winter of 1946-47 brought industry to a standstill. The country's
economy, undermined by six years of war, began to seize up. Coal ran out,
electricity failed, and food rationing grew even tighter.
Interview: Lord Annan,
British military intelligence
"You know, people
forget again: We never had bread rationing during the war, we had bread
rationing after it. And that was because we were pouring wheat into Germany to
prevent mass starvation there."
Interview: Paul Nitze,
U.S. State Department
"That was a bad
winter altogether. It was cold and the crops were bad, people were unhappy, and
the communists were making strenuous gains here, there and the other place,
particularly in Italy and in France, but also in Germany."
Narration: The British
could no longer afford all their heavy commitments in the Mediterranean. They
told the Americans they intended to pull out.
Interview: Clark
Clifford, special counsel to President Truman
"The message came
and it was flat. It said, 'Great Britain is withdrawing from both economic aid
and military aid to Greece and Turkey.'"
Interview: George Elsey,
aide to President Truman
"This simply
crystallized the opinions in the executive branch that the United States had to
move and move very, very quickly."
Interview: Paul Nitze,
U.S. State Department
"The prospect
didn't look good at all for Europe or for the United States or for
Narration: In Washington, President Truman went to Congress. From now on, he announced, the United States would contain the advance of communism anywhere on the globe. This, at last, was the official declaration of the Cold War.