Digital Video
Exam results

International School of Toulouse - History - Digital Video

Digital Video

The History Department makes extensive use of digital video in the classroom. Students have access to a range of different digital video cameras and their laptop computers come with digital video editing software.

How is digital video used?
Click the picture for more information or the links for a brief example.

Class Role Plays
Y10 and Y12 - Versailles
Student Documentaries
Y9 - French Revolution
Student Movies
Y10 - Propaganda 1and 2
Kinaesthetic Learning
Y7 - Board Games
History  Debates
Y11 Cold War
History Field Trips
Y7 Albi and St Sernin
Student Presentations
Y8 - Archaeology
Oral History Interviews
Y13 - Coursework
(above) Year 8 'class of 2000' get to grips with a Mavica camera. Click here to see a video of the lesson.

All videos require Windows Media Player. Download the latest version here

What are the teaching and learning advantages of using digital video?

Despite 50 years of technological advance, the exercise book full of hand written words and the occasional pencil drawn diagram, is still the most important expression of student learning in schools all over the world.  Doing 'well' in History, whether in 1950 or in the year 2000, is still largely calculated by how well the student performs within the artificial constraints of the lines of the traditional exercise book. The problem with this should be obvious: assessment of student work is neither relevant or fair. It is not relevant because the skills required to succeed in an exercise book classroom no longer resemble the skills required by a multimedia 'real world'. It is not fair because exercise book assessment privileges 'traditional' linguistic learning styles at the expense of non-linguistic learning styles. Children whose learning strengths are dramatic, musical or kinesthetic find precious few opportunities to shine.

Teachers (and students) are often reluctant to invest time and effort in a role-play activity, class debates and student presentations because the audience is small and the assessable evidence ephemeral. Apart from the memory of the classroom audience there is often no record of a student's success. With a digital video camera all this changes. Not only is the evidence easy to record, more importantly, it is easy to copy and transfer. This transferability enables both the student and teacher to build up 'learning portfolios' which can be a much more authentic record of the 'multiple intelligences' of learning. Students who are good linguistic learners are not necessarily good performers in front of a live audience and vice versa. Traditional paper and pencil assessment cannot always accredit the student whose strengths are kinesthetic or spatial. Multimedia learning portfolios can

(For more on this see: The Laptop Revolution)