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Mao's China

1949 The Great Leap:

 Video Notes


Before Watching

Define the difference between reform and revolution. How do revolutions encompass social, economic, and political reforms? Refer back to examples from the Russian Revolution to explain your answer.

During the Programme

As you watch the programme, write down specific ways (usable factoids) the Chinese revolution changed ordinary people's lives.

After Watching

1. As shown in the programme, what conditions contributed to the communists' victory? How did the Chinese government try to change the lives of ordinary people and why?

2. Before communism, Chinese peasant Hu Benxu recalls, "There was justice for the rich but none for the poor...You can't believe how badly the poor were treated." Did the communists bring justice for the poor? Based on Qi Youyi's quotation, do you think he believes the actions he describes were just? Why or why not? Do you think that they were just? Why or why not?

Questions based on the People's Century website