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The Cold War - Documentaries

Key Questions Activities Resources

Who was to blame for the start of the Cold War?

Is television documentary a reliable historical source?

Can you tell different stories from the same sources? 

How important is editing, image selection, narrative and music to the creation of meaning in historical documentary?

Student documentary group work production. 

Students divided into teams with the task of producing biased history documentaries which either blame the USSR or the USA for the start of the Cold War.

Each film should demonstrate through inclusion the importance of: archive film, archive photographs, graphics, music and  talking head historians.

Video - Cold War
(Episode 1and 2) also see the website which accompanies the series.
The IST IGCSE History website on the origins of the Cold War

Student Work 2004

Susannah (Producer), Robin, Russell, Julien and Katie find the USA to blame for the start of the Cold War.

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
The long-term causes The 1930s Atomic monopoly Dollar diplomacy