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IB Paper 2: Past Questions


Nov 05

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May 03

Section 1: Causes, practices, effects of war

Account for either the defeat of the Central Powers in the First World War or the Axis powers in the Second World War.


Analyse the results of either the First or the Second World War.

Evaluate the social and economic consequences of two twentieth century wars.

In what ways did the causes of the Second World War differ from the causes of the First World War?

Assess critically three causes of the First World War

What were the most frequent causes of twentieth-century wars? Specific evidence from at least three wars should be used.


To what extent do you agree with the view that war accelerates social change?


Examine the impact of foreign intervention on either the Chinese Civil War or the Spanish Civil War.

How valid is the claim that in 1914 states went to war due to fear rather than for motives of gain?


Evaluate the importance of naval warfare in twentieth century wars. Specific examples must be given from at least two wars.

Compare and contrast two wars (excluding the First World War) each chosen from a different region

In what ways, and to what extent, was the Second World War "total war"?


Compare and contrast the reasons for, and impact of, foreign involvement in two of the following: Russian Civil War; Spanish Civil War; Chinese Civil War.

Assess the social and economic causes of one twentieth century war.

To what extent did guerrilla warfare determine the outcome of the Vietnam War?

Why were there so many Arab-Israeli wars between 1948 and 1978?

Analyse the reasons for the outcome of one civil war. How did the outcome affect the country in which the war was fought?

How and why did technological developments play an important part in twentieth- century wars?


Evaluate the contribution made towards the war effort by civilians on both the home front and the battle front in two wars, each chosen from a different region.


Compare and contrast the use of naval warfare in two wars, each chosen from a different period.

Why did foreign intervention occur so frequently in civil wars of the twentieth century and what impact did this intervention have on two civil wars each chosen from a different region?

Analyse the results of two wars, each chosen from a different region.

“The most important military development of the 20th Century was the development of nuclear weapons”. To what extent do you agree with this judgement?

Analyse the causes and results of one of the following: Chinese Civil War (1945–1949); Mexican Revolution (1910–1940); Spanish Civil War (1936–1939).


"Peace settlements create conditions for new conflicts." With reference to at least two settlements explain to what extent you agree with this statement.

For what reasons, and with what results, was “limited” warfare a feature of the second half of the 20th Century?

Assess the role of air power in two twentieth century wars.

Assess the social and economic effects of one war on two of the countries involved, in the ten years following the end of the war.

Assess the economic and social impact of EITHER the Arab-Israeli Wars, or the Vietnam War, on the countries involved.

"War causes more suffering to women than to men." "War liberates women." Using evidence from at least two wars explain which statement you consider is more appropriate.

Topic 3: The rise and rule of single-party states

Account for the ineffectiveness of internal opposition to two rulers of singleparty states.


Analyse the methods used and the conditions which helped in the rise to power of one ruler of a single party state.

Fascism's rise to power in Italy and Germany in the inter-war years largely resulted from the consequences of the First World War.. To what extent do you agree with this verdict?

Analyse the methods used by one single-party state ruler in his successful bid for power.

Compare and contrast the rise to power of two rulers of single party states.

"In order to achieve and retain power a leader of a single-party state needed to be ruthless, blind to human suffering and yet charismatic." To what extent do you agree with this assertion?


Assess the successes and failures of the domestic policies of one of the following: Nasser; Nyerere; Perón.


Evaluate the successes and failures one ruler of a single-party state.

Assess the role of economic and social policies as factors explaining the consolidation and maintenance of power of two of the following: Castro, Mussolini, Perón, Nasser.

Evaluate the importance of ideology in the policies of two of the following rulers of single-party states: Castro; Hitler; Lenin; Nyerere.

Assess the methods used by EITHER Peron OR Lenin to maintain his position as ruler of a single-party state.

Account for the rise to power of one of the following: Castro; Mussolini; Nasser.


With reference to two examples each chosen from a different region, to what extent do you agree with the claim that "ideology was the most important factor in the rise to power of single-party leaders"?

Assess the methods used by EITHER Lenin OR Peron to maintain his regime.

For what reasons, and with what success, have single party states attempted to control either education or the arts?


Compare and contrast the foreign policies of two rulers of single-party states, each

chosen from a different region.

For what reasons, and with what results, were there so many single-party states in the 20th Century?

Compare and contrast the economic and social policies of Mao and Stalin.


How successful was either Lenin (1917-1924) or Mussolini (1922-1943) in solving the problems he faced?


Compare and contrast the influence in their own countries of Hitler and Mao.

To what extent was the rise to power of one left wing and one right wing single party ruler, the result of previous political problems?


In what ways, and to what extent, did either Nasser or Perón improve social and economic conditions?

Examine critically the successes and failures of EITHER Castro OR Mussolini, as a leader of a single-party state.

In what ways, and for what reasons, did the aims and policies of two or more right wing rulers of single-party states differ?


Identify the aims of educational and youth policies in two single-party states, and evaluate the extent to which they were achieved.

Examine the status of women in two single-party states, each chosen from a different region.

Assess the role of terror and force in maintaining the ruler in power in two totalitarian states each chosen from a different region.

Examine the global impact of one ruler of a single-party state.

How and why was propaganda used in two single party states, each chosen from a different region?

Examine the role of education and/or the arts in two single party states, each chosen from a different region.

Topic 4: Peace and cooperation: international organizations and multiparty states


Why, in spite of early successes, did the League of Nations fail to prevent the outbreak of World War Two?

Why were the attempts of the League of Nations to ensure collective security more successfulbefore rather than after 1929?

Why in spite of the worthy intentions of its founders, did the League of Nations only last for two decades?

In what ways, and with what results, did one international organisation work for peace and co-operation in the 20th Century?  

Examine critically the structure and organization of the League of Nations.

Topic 5: The Cold War

To what extent were Soviet policies responsible for the outbreak and development of the Cold War between 1945 and 1949?


Assess the part played by differing ideologies in the origin of the Cold War.

In what ways, and for what reasons, did the relationship between the wartime Allies deteriorate between 1945 and 1949?


To what extent did events in the final year of the Second World War turn wartime allies into Cold War enemies?

In what ways, and to what extent, did mutual distrust and suspicion cause the Cold War?

How, and to what extent, did the conferences at Yalta and Potsdam (1945) contribute to the origin of the Cold War?



In what ways, and with what results, was Germany the key focus of the early stages of the Cold War?

Assess the impact of the Cold War on the economic developments of two states each chosen from a different region.


Compare and contrast the policies of the USA and the USSR towards Korea between 1945 and 1955.

For what reasons, and with what results, was Germany a centre of Cold War tension between 1945-61?

"Although it began in Europe the spread of the Cold War to other regions was a much more dangerous development." To what extent do you agree with this judgment?



Analyse the part played by Cuba in the development of the Cold War.

Why, and with what success, did the USA adopt a policy of containment in the period 1947-1962?


Assess the impact of the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan on the development of the Cold War between 1947 and 1961.

Compare and contrast the part played by Korea and Cuba in the Cold War.

How and why did the policies of either the USA or the USSR affect superpower rivalry between 1950 and 1970?



Evaluate the role of one superpower in the Cold War after 1970.

In what ways, and to what extent, did relations between East and West change in the period 1960-1970?


In what ways, and to what extent, did the Cold War become less confrontational after 1970?

Analyse the nature of the Cold War and explain why, in spite of serious crises, it did not turn into a Third World War.  

In what ways were gender and social issues affected by the Cold War



To what extent did economic problems in the Communist bloc bring about the end of the Cold War?

Why was Soviet control over East European satellite states successful in the period 1945-1968, and why did it collapse between 1988 and 1991?

Assess the importance of social and economic issues in causing opposition to communist regimes.

“The Cold War played little part in changing social and economic conditions for either side between 1945-65”. To what extent do you agree?

Assess the importance of détente and internal opposition to Communist rule in Communist countries, in ending the Cold War.


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