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IB Paper 2: Past Questions pre 2003


Nov 02

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Nov 00

Section 1: Causes, practices, effects of war

Assess the aims of two countries entering the First World War.   To what extent were they successful in achieving their aims?

What were the most frequent causes of twentieth-century wars? Specific evidence from at least three wars should be used.

Analyse the reasons for the outbreak of war either in Algeria in 1954, or in Korea in 1950.

For what reasons did the United States get involved in the First and Second World Wars?


In what ways, and with what results for twentieth century wars, did tactics change?

In what ways, and to what extent, was the Second World War "total war"?

In what ways and for what reasons did foreign intervention play an important role in two civil wars, each chosen from a different region?

With reference to two civil wars each chosen from a different region, discuss the view that civil wars are usually caused by economic problems rather than by political or religious differences. 


Compare and contrast the causes of the Russian Civil War and the Spanish Civil War.  

How and why did technological developments play an important part in twentieth-century wars?

Evaluate the successes and failures of one-twentieth century treaty in addressing the causes of conflict, and restoring peace and morality. 

In what ways and for what reasons did the role of propaganda become increasingly important in twentieth century wars?


Analyse the use and effects of propaganda in two wars, each chosen from a different region.

Analyse the causes and results of one of the following: Chinese Civil War (1945–1949); Mexican Revolution (1910–1940); Spanish Civil War (1936–1939).

Assess the results of both the Arab-Israeli war of 1956 (Sinai Campaign) and the 1967 Six Day War.

“Wars produce only losers.” To what extent do you agree with this assertion?


Why were the intentions of those responsible for treaties rarely fulfilled?

"War causes more suffering to women than to men." "War liberates women." Using evidence from at least two wars explain which statement you consider is more appropriate.

Using specific examples explain the popularity of war themes in (a) films and (b) novels and/or other plays.

Analyse the results of either the Mexican Revolution (1910 to 1940) or the Korean war (1950 to 1953)

Topic 3: The rise and rule of single-party states

Assess the main difficulties faced by two would-be rulers of single-party states in their bid for power.

"In order to achieve and retain power a leader of a single-party state needed to be ruthless, blind to human suffering and yet charismatic." To what extent do you agree with this assertion?

“Promises of improved social and economic conditions win more support for would-be single-party states than ideological pronouncements” How far do you agree with this claim?

In what ways and for what reasons has the “cult of personality” helped to gain popular support for the rise and establishment of single-party states? You should base your answers on two rulers of single-party states, each chosen from a different region. 


Analyse the foreign policy of two rulers of single-party states, each chosen from a different region.

Account for the rise to power of one of the following: Castro; Mussolini; Nasser.

Compare and contrast the organisation of one Communist state with one Fascist state.

Compare and contrast the status and position of women in one fascist and one communist regime.


Explain the successes and failures of either Mao in China or Perón in Argentina.

Compare and contrast the economic and social policies of Mao and Stalin.

Analyse the methods by which either Castro or Stalin maintained his position as a ruler of a single-party state

“The rule of Juan Péron in Argentina was fascist in name but not in reality.” To what extent do you agree with this judgment?


To what extent was the USSR an orthodox Communist state under either Lenin or Stalin?

In what ways, and for what reasons, did the aims and policies of two or more right wing rulers of single-party states differ?

Assess the successes and failures of two of the following: Nasser’s rule of Egypt; Nyerere’s rule of Tanzania; Tito’s rule of Yugoslavia.

Evaluate the impact of two of the following single-party regimes on world affairs: China under Mao Zedong, Cuba under Fidel Castro, Italy under Benito Mussolini.


Evaluate the impact of the policies of two rulers of single-party states on the role and status of women.

Examine the role of education and/or the arts in two single party states, each chosen from a different region.

Evaluate the attempts of two rulers of single-party states, each chosen from a different region, to control and the use of media.

“Single-party states have rarely succeeded in providing economic and social benefits for their people.” Examine the validity of this statement for two single-party states each chosen from a different region.  

Topic 4: Peace and cooperation: international organizations and multiparty states

For what reasons, and with what results, was the League of Nations set up in 1919?




Topic 5: The Cold War

Account for the emergence of the two superpowers between 1945 and 1950.

How, and to what extent, did the conferences at Yalta and Potsdam (1945) contribute to the origin of the Cold War? 

“The Cold War was caused by fear, not aggression.” To what extent does this view explain how the Cold War developed between 1945 and 1949?

To what extent was the Cold War a conflict between two irreconcilable ideologies?


In what ways did the Cold War affect the lives of people living in two developing countries?

"Although it began in Europe the spread of the Cold War to other regions was a much more dangerous development." To what extent do you agree with this judgment?

Examine the impact of the Cold War on educational developments in two countries, each chosen from a different region.

Assess the importance of either Berlin or Vietnam in the Cold War.


Assess the effects of events in Cuba on the development of the Cold War.

How and why did the policies of either the USA or the USSR affect superpower rivalry between 1950 and 1970?

Compare and contrast the aims and policies of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the Warsaw Pact up to 1970.

Why did the Soviet Union decide to place missiles in Cuba in 1962?


To what extent was the Vietnam War part of the Cold War?


In what ways were gender and social issues affected by the Cold War?

For what reasons, and with what results, up to 1963, did the United States adopt the policy known as ‘containment?’

“Peaceful coexistence was a period of relative freedom from tension rather than rather than one of universal agreement.” To what extent do you agree with this assertion?


Define “containment”, and analyse its importance in Cold War developments.

Assess the importance of détente and internal opposition to Communist rule in Communist countries, in ending the Cold War.

Excluding the superpowers, assess the role of two countries in the development of the Cold War after 1950.

In what ways and for what reasons did the Cold War affect social and cultural conditions in two countries each chosen from a different region?


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