Key Questions |
Activities |
Resources |
What was
Britain like in and after 1914? |
Pearce, R. -
Contemporary Britain 1914-1979 (Chapter 1) |
Who were the
English ruling class? |
Pearce, R. -
Contemporary Britain 1914-1979 (Chapter 4) |
Politics: Why did the Conservative Party dominate? |
Pearce, R. -
Contemporary Britain 1914-1979 (Chapter 7) |
Politicians: 'rule by pygmies?' |
Pearce, R. -
Contemporary Britain 1914-1979 (Chapter 10) |
and social conditions in the 1930s: how good is Orwell's Wigan
Pier as historical evidence |
Pearce, R. -
Contemporary Britain 1914-1979 (Chapter 13) |
Why did
fascism achieve so little support in Britain? |
Pearce, R. -
Contemporary Britain 1914-1979 (Chapter 14) |