An acceptance of Germany's guilt in causing the war.
Proposed by : France
Seconded by : USA
Vote Passed, 6 votes for.
Motion 2
The Frisian Islands and the port city of Bremenhaven to ensure
British trade with eastern Europe.
Proposed by : Great Britain
Seconded by : France
Vote Passed 5 votes for, 1
Motion 3
Italy to be given control of the Dalmation
coast, for economic growth of Italy and defense purposes. Borders
to be established at a later date.
Proposed by : Italy
Seconded by : support withdrawn
Vote Failed
Motion 4
The creation of an independent democratic
state of Poland with capital Warsaw.
Proposed by : Poland
Seconded by : USA
Vote Passed, 6 votes for.
Motion 5
Austria-Hungary should give up the land she annexed in the Balkans
during period before 1914.
Proposed by : Serbia
Seconded by : USA
Vote Passed, 6 votes for.
Motion 6
A league of nations should be established to ensure the future
peace of the world.
Proposed by : USA
Seconded by : Serbia
Vote Passed, 6 votes for.
Motion 7
The allies to be given financial compensation from
Proposed by : Great Britain
Seconded by : Italy
Vote Passed, 6 votes for.
Motion 8
Italy to expand its borders so as not to interfere with Serbian
Sovereignty in and around the Dalmation coast to ensure economic
security and growth.
Proposed by : Italy
Seconded by : Great Britain
Vote Passed, 5 votes for, 1
Motion 9
The borders of Poland will be established as those of the
Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth before the first partition,
Lithuanians would have a fair representation.
Proposed by : Poland
Seconded by : Support withdrawn
Vote Failed
Motion 10
Austria and Hungary should pay reparations for damages against
countries damaged.
Proposed by : Serbia
Seconded by : Italy
Vote Passed, 6 votes for.
Motion 11
Extend Italian borders to include the Italian speakers to the
south of current Austro-Hungarian empire. The exact area will be
Proposed by : USA
Seconded by : Italy
Vote Passed, 5 votes for, 1
Motion 12
The return of Alsace-Lorraine to France and Rhineland to be
given to France
Proposed by : France
Seconded by : Support withdrawn
Vote Failed
Motion 13
Defining the borders as the former borders of Lit-Poland
commonwealth. (Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Ukraine, Belarus). All
member states a vote whether to join (Plebiscite)
Proposed by : Poland
Seconded by : France
Vote Passed, 6 votes for.
Motion 14
All east African territory between Egypt and Rhodesia.
Proposed by : Italy
Seconded by : Britain
Vote Failed, 3 votes for, 1
against, 2 abstentions
Motion 15
The state of Bosnia , Albania and Bulgaria. To become part of
Proposed by : Serbia
Seconded by : France
Vote Failed, 2 votes for, 1
against, 3 abstentions
Motion 16
The Turkish Empire should give up the land populated by the
majority of non-Turks as independent states to govern themselves.
Proposed by : USA
Seconded by : Serbia
Vote Passed 6 votes
Motion 17
The state of Bosnia, Albania, and Bulgaria to become part of
Proposed by: Serbia
Seconded by: France
Vote Failed, 2 votes, 1 against,
3 abstentions
Motion 18
Return of Alsace-Lorraine. Gain of southern Rhineland
(not including Belgium, Netherlands border)
Proposed by: France
Seconded by: Serbia
Vote Passed, 4 votes, 2
Motion 19
To create the independent state of
Finland, with capital Helsinki and borders defined by the former
Russian border and a line north of St. Petersburg along the Suir
River and between the White Sea and the Lake Lonega.
Proposed by: Poland
Seconded by: USA
Vote Passed, 6 votes
Motion 20
The Slavic states of Bosnia, Albania, Slovenia and Croatia
should become part of the country of Serbia.
Proposed by: Serbia
Seconded by: USA
Vote Failed, defense to contradictory
of motion 8, Slavic states do not exist
Motion 21
All countries should withdraw their national armies from
foreign countries.
Proposed by: USA
Seconded by: Serbia
Vote Passed, 5 votes, 1
Motion 22
Creation of DMZ between France and Germany
under the LoN control. From Bremen to Munich.
Proposed by: France
Seconded by: USA
Vote Passed, 6 votes
Motion 23
Island of Cyprus to become part of the British Empire to
improve trade with Middle and far East.
Proposed by: Britain
Seconded by: Italy
Vote Passed, 5 votes, 1
Motion 24
Italy to gain all ex-German colonies, including but not limited
to Togo part of Kaiser Wilhelmland. Samoa and all land ruled
by their former empire.
Proposed by: Italy
Seconded by: Britain
Vote Failed, 2 votes, 4 against
Motion 25
The British colonies should become members of the British
commonwealth instead of an Empire.
Proposed by: Britain
Seconded by: Italy
Vote Failed, Empathetic Error: the Motion or Amendment assumes an attitude
of mind inconsistent with that of the original participants of
the Paris Peace Conference.
Motion 26
Areas with high Slavic ethnicity, including Slovenia, Croatia,
Bosnia, and Albania will become under Serb control of these
Albania should have a plebiscite to decide whether they should
become part of Serbia. Italy should have control over the
Dalm. coast as far south as Spalnto but not including. 35
miles inland along the coast.
Proposed by: Serbia
Seconded by: USA
Vote Passed, 4 votes, 2
Motion 27
Navy and air force to be shared between the victors
Proposed by France
Seconded by Britain
Vote Failed, 4 votes, 2
Motion 28
Britain to take control of German navy and hand over 2 or 3
ships to Poland
Proposed by Britain
Seconded by Poland
Vote Failed, 6 votes,
Motion 29
Change Poland's name to United States of Poland and it's
Proposed by Poland
Seconded by U.S.A
Vote Passed, 6 votes
Motion 30
To divide Austria-Hungary into independant states (to be
annexed later by the victors)
Proposed by Serbia
Seconded by Poland
Vote Failed, 6 votes
Motion 31
The status of all colonies will be reviewed and the wishes of
the local people will be considered (as part of the idea of self
Proposed by U.S.A
Seconded by Poland
Vote Failed, 2 votes, 3 against,
1 abstention
Motion 32
Share the German navy and air force amongst the victors in
proportion to the size of their state and reduce the German army
to 10,000 men.
Proposed by Britain
Seconded by France
Vote Passed, 5 votes, 1
Motion 33
Italy will annex Persia in order to develop Italian Industry.
This will help combat communism
Proposed by Italy
Seconded by Britain
Vote Failed, 2 votes, 4
Motion 34
The rest of east Prussia, West Prussia and to be given to new
Polish Commonwealth
Proposed by Poland
Seconded by France
Vote Failed, 4 votes, 2
Motion (Amendment) 35
Reparations (financial and/or industrial) to the value of 1.5
billion to be paid to Serbia to support and rebuild Serbia and the
new Serbian states
Proposed by Serbia
Seconded by France
Vote Failed, 2 for, 3 against, 1
Motion (Amendment) 36
League of nations should be a democratic body of countries with
all countries who support democratic means of governing. Creation
of a league of Nations army (International army) to protect
countries which need support.
Proposed by U.S.A
Seconded by Italy
Vote Passed, 4 votes, 2
Motion 37
Hamburg and north will be given to France
Proposed by France
Seconded by Britain
Vote Passed, 5 votes, 1 abstention
Motion 38
Italy to receive Abyssinia to expand empire and to make
their economy bigger
Proposed by: Italy
Seconded by: Britain
Vote Passed, 4 votes, 1 against, 1
Motion 39
Prussia, west Prussia, Posen and Silesia to be added to Poland
Proposed by: Poland
Seconded by: France
Vote Passed, 5 votes, 1 against
Motion 40
The creation of the state of Czechoslovakia
which will become a mandate of Serbia in order to help build its
economy and infrastructure.
Proposed by: Serbia
Seconded by: France
Vote Passed,
4 votes, 2 against
Motion 41
All colonies and countries which can support themselves with
working, democratic government should given
Proposed by: USA
Seconded by: Poland
Vote Failed, 2 votes, 4 against
Motion 42
£ 5 billion reparations paid by Germany shared out corresponding
on the human, structure and economic percentage of loss between the
Proposed by: France
Seconded by: Britain
Vote Passed, 5 votes, 1 against
Motion 43
Britain to gain Cameroons, South West Africa and East Africa and
France to gain Togo and Kaiser Wilhelm land. (Germany's
Proposed by: Britain
Seconded by: France
Vote Passed, 5 votes, 1
Motion 44
LoN armed force to restore rightful authority in Russia and
remove Bolsheviks by force.
Proposed by: Poland
Seconded by: France
Vote Passed, 6 votes
Motion 45
Czechoslovakia will be given a plebiscite
as to whether it wants to remain a mandate or not after a period of
20 years.
Proposed by: Serbia
Seconded by: USA
Vote Passed, 6 votes
Motion 46
The USA will loan Germany 500 million pounds to pay for the first
serious of reparation to allow Germany's economy to recover.
Proposed by: USA
Seconded by: Serbia
Vote Passed, 6 votes
Motion 47
Trials to condemn Kaiser Wilhelm
Government (military and political leaders).
Proposed by: France
Seconded by: Britain
Vote Passed, 6 votes
Motion 48
Share the Austria-Hungary navy and air force amongst the victors
in proportion to the size of their state and reduce the
Austria-Hungary army to 10,000 men.
Proposed by: Britain
Seconded by: Italy
Vote Passed, 4 votes, 2 against
Motion 49
Split up the territory in the Adriatic sea region - Tyrol, Dalmatia and
Proposed by: Italy
Seconded by: Britain
Vote Failed Contradictory to the previous
Motion 50
Serbia take control of Romania as a LON mandat, with all
countries having access to parts in Black sea to improve trade.
Plebite after 10 years
Proposed by: Serbia
Seconded by: U.S.A
Vote Failed, 3 for, 1 against, 2
Motion 51
DMZ to be extended up to and going down from hamburg