Term 1
Term 2
Term 3

Year 8 History - Unit 3 - Guy Fawkes

Key Questions Activities Resources

The Guy Fawkes Myth: Were the Catholics Framed?

Skill Focus: Analysis

Questions 1-8 (36-7) and Questions 1-5 (38-9).

Refresh the page to hear Beth do the poem!

SHP Discovering the Past Societies and Change textbook (36-39)
Bonefire.org by Sonja Hyde, a fantastic American website
Gunpowder Plot by Jeremy Boot, a British site.
Why was Guy Fawkes Tortured?

Skill Focus: Analysis

Complete an online activity from the British Public Record Office. Activity

PRO Learning Curve  

Can you defend Guy Fawkes?

Skills Focus: Analysis, Philosophy and Communication

Putting the plotters on trial. Write a closing speech (2 minutes) to convince the jury that you are right! SHP Discovering the Past Societies and Change textbook (36-39). 

Best speeches to be shown here.

2002 and Adrian from 2003. Also George Paige's production of the 2003 mess-ups

So what was the Reformation?

Who were the Protestants and what did they believe?

'Think' questions on page 92, 93 and 94. 

Explain the five most important Protestants ideas from page 94.

Think Through History  'Changing Minds' Chapter 11 'Forcing Minds to Change' (92-94)