Key Questions |
Activities |
Resources |
What happened when Henry
VIII took control of the Church?
Skills focus: causation and consequences.
All the 'Think'
questions and 'Steps' 48-55. The Enquiry requires you to produce
a very simple booklet for Y5 students to assess. More here.

See previous winners
Think Through
History 'Changing Minds' Chopping and Changing. What
happened when Henry VIII took control of the Church? (48-55)
Activity details.
See the assessment
criteria and mark sheet used by Year 5 to mark your work.
Can you interview Henry
VIII for the local newspaper?
Skills focus: Philosophy,
and Communication |
Produce a newspaper
article based on an interview with Henry VIII. Paired work.
Together decide on the questions to ask Henry. One account
should be positive about Henry, one negative but both should be
based on the same interview. How different can you make them? |
Forcing Minds to Change.
1547-1603: When was it most dangerous to speak your mind? |
All think questions and
Step 1 and 2. Thinking your enquiry through is a 'Danger Chart'
that explains when it was dangerous or safe to be a Catholic or
a Protestant. This maybe presented in the form of an electronic
game if you wish.
Click on Seb's Danger Chart from 2005 to get an idea about
how this might be presented.
Think Through
History 'Changing Minds' Chapter 11 'Forcing Minds to
Change' (94-101)

The Armada: A Great
Victory? |
Individual work.
Read Aylett 28-29 and complete questions 1-3 on page 29. Then
go to Student
Education Forum and post your explanation of why the Armada
was defeated.
Read Aylett 30-31 and complete questions 4-6 on page
JF Aylett - The Making of the United Kingdom
What happened to the
Spanish Armada?
Skills Focus: Philosophy,
and Communication |
Paired work. Write a
newspaper account about the Spanish Armada, one from a Spanish
perspective, one from an English perspective.
How to write bad history... Get further help
on this activity.
Worksheet: Spanish Armada Interpretations - the problem of doing
history in an international school.
Extension Activity: Read a detailed account and then try an
excellent activity
on how national identity makes a difference to historical