Term 1
Term 2
Term 3

What has archaeology taught us about past world civilizations?

The purpose of this investigation is for you to understand the following:

  1. Archaeology is the field that concentrates on recovering and studying physical evidence of earlier human life and culture.

  2. Archaeologists have worked on sites all over the world.

  3. Archaeologists have contributed to our understanding of history of humankind.

See examples from previous years

In pairs, research one of the following. 

  1. Easter Island - Seb and David

  2. Sutton Hoo - Harry and Spence

  3. Knossos 

  4. Carnac and Stonehange 

  5. Altamira - Las Espanolitas

  6. Butser Ancient Farm

  7. Mesa Verde cliff dwellings 

  8. Ironbridge - Alex

  9. Nineveh - Martha

  10. Mary Rose 

  1. Pompeii - Beth and Viktor

  2. Tel el Amarna (also spelled Tall al ’Amarinah)

  3. Machu Picchu - Tina and Ariane

  4. Tiahuanaco (also spelled Tiahuanacu)

  5. Jorvik 

  6. Troy (Hissarlik, Turkey) George and Andy

  7. Ur (Mesopotamia) 

  8. Abri Pataud

  9. Tollund Man 

  10. Terra Armata

As a class we will decide on a series of questions we hope to be able to answer for each of our research sites. Examples might include: Who lived here, and when? What kinds of structures did these people leave behind? What have archaeologists been able to find out about the people who lived there? What happened to the people who lived here? What archaeological techniques have been used to investigate the site? etc.

For your presentation you should collect or create visual aids to use as part of your report on archaeological sites. These might include city plans showing which structures may have stood where, maps showing where the sites are in relation to other cities or countries, photographs showing archaeologists at work or the artefacts they found, and so on. 

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