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1917 Year of Revolutions

The Spartacus Simulation
The Russian Revolution simulation begins on 24th July, 1914. Serbia has asked Russia for help against Austria-Hungary. If Nicholas II agrees it will almost certainly mean war between Russia and members of the Triple Alliance.

All the students are given a character that was living in Russia at the time. 

The characters are in four discussion groups: Group A (supporters of Nicholas II and the autocracy); Group B (liberals and moderate socialists); Group C (Mensheviks and Socialist Revolutionaries) and Group D (Bolsheviks). The biographies only go up to 1914 and also include a summary of the character's views towards the Russian autocracy and the First World War.

The students should have studied Russia: 1860-1900 and 1905 Russian Revolution before starting the simulation.

The student's first task is to read their biography and write a brief summary of their character's life up until 1914. They should also read Russia in 1914 and the Serbian Crisis.

At the end of the simulation the students go to Russian Revolution and read about what happened to their character during 1917. They then write a brief summary of what happened, comparing their decisions with those of their character.

The final task is for the students to write about what happened to their character after the Russian Revolution. A session could then be organized where the students tell the rest of the class about their fate.

Russia, July, 1914

Task 1: Read you biography and write a brief summary of your character's life up until 1914.

Task 2: It is August, 1914. Read about Russia in 1914 and the outbreak of the First World War. Write a brief speech about whether the Russian government should join the war against the Central Powers.

Task 3: You meet in your group. Groups A and B meet in Russia and Groups C and D meet in exile in Switzerland. In your group discuss whether the Russian government should join the war against the Central Powers. You should also try to decide what action the group take in order to achieve its objectives.

Russia, January, 1917

Task 1: It is January, 1917. Read about the problems faced by Russia during the first two years of the war at Russia: 1914-1916. Write a brief speech about what action the people in your group should take.

Task 2 : Meet in your groups. Discuss what the group should do at this stage.

Russia, October, 1917

Task 1: Read about the July Offensive and the Kornilov Revolt. It is October, 1917. Write a brief speech about what action the people in your group should take.

Task 2 : Meet in your groups. Discuss what the group should do at this stage.

Task 3: Go to Russian Revolution and read about what happened to your character during 1917. Write a brief summary of what happened comparing your decisions with those of your character.

Task 4: Write down what happened to your character after the Russian Revolution.

Group A: Nicholas II and the Autocracy


Nicholas II

Alexander Sazonov

Ivan Goremykin

Nikolai Maklakov

Peter Wrangel

Anton Denikin

Alexander Kolchak

Lavr Kornilov

Nikolai Yudenich

Felix Yusupov

Sergei Zubatov


Alexandra Romanov

Irina Yusupov


Group B: Liberals and Moderate Socialists


Alexander Kerensky

Alexander Protopopov

Alexander Guchkov

Paul Milyukov

Michael Rodzianko

Peter Struve


Maria Bochkareva

Anna Shabanova

Ariadna Tyrkova


Group C: Mensheviks and Socialist Revolutionaries

Vladimir Antonov-Ovseenko

Victor Chernov

Julius Martov

Fedor Dan

Leon Trotsky

Irakli Tsereteli

Nikolai Sukhanov


Alexandra Kollontai

Catherine Breshkovskaya

Maria Spirdonova

Vera Zasulich

Vera Figner

Elizabeth Kovalskaia

Praskovia Ivanovskia

Olga Liubatovich


Group D: Bolsheviks


Vladimir Lenin

Nickolai Bukharin

Alexander Shlyapnikov

Mikhail Frunze

Lev Kamenev

Gregory Zinoviev


Inessa Armand

Nadezhda Krupskaya

Elena Stasova

Rosa Luxemburg

Louise Bryant


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