1918 to 1923

Weimar Germany 1918 to 1923. From Political differences to Economic disasters.

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In 1919 bigger problems were forming for Germany. They had lost the war and the victors and the allies of the winning side were prepared to make Germany suffer. Britain, France and the USA became the big three emerging as the three winning powers...

The Treaty of Versailles:

The Treaty of Versailles was a massive set back for Germany as they weren't invited to the treaty they couldn't defend themselves or have a say in anything that happened to them. The big three Clemenceau of France, Lloyd George of Britain and Wilson of the USA got together along with other states to decide the future of Germany. The Germans suffered greatly because of the treaty they lost land that was used to create new states like Poland and Czechoslovakia. They were forced to sign clause 231 the war guilt clause and had to accept full responsibility for starting the war. Their army was reduced and their navy and were forced to pay reparations. The winning allies decided how much Germany would have to pay for damages. French, British and US troops move into the Rhineland as it has become a military zone

       map_versailles_treaty.jpg (370863 bytes)       

Click on the link below to look at the video to be introduced to The Big Three and Versailles.

 .                        Introducing The Big Three and Versailles.                                  

Political differences:

On the 5th of January the Spartacus League tried to seize power. They occupied public buildings, organised a general strike and formed a revolutionary committee. Groups of them fired guns in the street and put up red flags and renamed themselves the German Communist party. This all failed as Ebert had made up a volunteer force of 4,000 soldiers named the Free Corps. They hated communists and liked to fight although they were disciplined and fully equipped.

On the 10th of January the Free Corps attacked. They captured a newspaper building held by the Spartacists, they shot some of them and beat up the rest.

On the 11th they captured all the other occupied building in central Berlin.

  On the 13th Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht were murdered.     

Click on the link below to see an explanation of what happened.


Economic disasters:

As The Treaty of Versailles has been enforced and signed Germany has to pay reparations which will leave them in enormous debt. It's not long till problems will develop with Germanys wealth, the lack of it and the value.

bidwel2.jpg (60735 bytes)

Click on the picture above to see what a German mark was worth in pounds and dollars.