1918 to 1923


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This page is a summary of all the important figures from 1918 to 1923 included in this website. They're all organised in date order...

Date Important figure About...
1918 kaiserwilhelm.jpg (27137 bytes) Kaiser Wilhelm He had power over Germany in the war. People turned against him even his own soldiers. He was forced to share his power as the allies would only agree to peace if the country was democratic. His power was shared with the main parties in the Reichstag.
1918 and onwards... Friedrich Ebert Leader of  The Social Democratic Party after Kaiser Wilhelm left Ebert took over the government and fought of communists and generally tried to run the country as best as he could.
1918   Hugo Hasse Leader of the Independent Social Democratic party. Nothing came of the party after Ebert took over.
1918 to 1919 Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht  Leaders of the Spartacus League, it was a communist party. The party tried to seize power in 1919 but their attack failed as Ebert sent in Free Corps. Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht were murdered on the 13th of January.
1919 to 1923 yalta2.jpg (77881 bytes)

The Big Three (Lloyd George, Georges Clemenceau and Woodrow Wilson)


The Big Three decided on the future of Germany with The Treaty of Versailles. They decided Germany should give up land, minimize their army, destroy their airforce and most of their army. They also were to pay reparations a few years later Germany told them that they couldn't afford to pay next the invasion of the Ruhr.
1920 Doctor Kapp Doctor Kapp made himself head of Government after Free Corps marched the present government out of the city. He wanted The Treaty of Versailles to be overturned. No one did what Kapp said so he fled to Sweeden with his followers. 
1923 Adolf Hitler Leader of The National Socialist party or Nazi party for short. They tried to take control but failed and Hitler was sent to prison. Little did we all know that eventually Hitler and his Nazi party would take over Germany and cause suffering around the world.