1918 to 1923

Weimar Germany 1918-1923. From Political differences to Economic disasters.

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By 1920 it looked like the Free Corps were in business. They were literally doing all the work for Germany. There were more attempts to take over and run the country. It seemed the Free Corps were feared by all. Many people had many different ideas...

The Treaty of Versailles:

The peace treaty starts to be carried out. A leader named Doctor Kapp wanted to take over Germany and briefly he became the head of government. One of his aims was to overthrow The Treaty of Versailles. He wanted to recover the land that Germany had lost and he wanted the German military to regain its strength and become strong again. 

Political differences:

In March 5 000 Free Corps marched into Berlin. The present government fled from the city probably in terror. Doctor Kapp the man in charge made himself head of  a new government. In the end he was defeated by the people of Berlin who organised a general strike. Berlin came to a complete stand still, no trains or buses ran, no water, gas or electricity. The Civil servants refused to give Kapp money do he was forced to abandon his current plans. 

On the 18th, Doctor Kapp and his party fled to Sweeden. 

Soon after Kapp had left workers in many parts of Germany tried to start a communist revolution. In the Ruhr  the industrial area of Germany, people formed a Red army and took control over some towns. 

    map_versailles_treaty.jpg (370863 bytes)  

Find the region of the Ruhr on this map that showed what happened after The Treaty of Versailles.

Economic disasters:

When Doctor Kapp took over the people of Berlin organised a strike stopping all trains and buses running. However Civil servants refused to give Kapp money. So not so much of a disaster.