Great Britain – the Middle Man
Great Britain, the balancing nation of the Allies, was only partially successful in its aims, but especially so in those it supported. David “Lia” Lloyd George managed to get the Kaiser and the German military leaders to face war trials, in the law branch of the newly created League of Nations and the German navy to be split up amongst the Allies, so the British did not get the massive navy they so desired. Of the motions Great Britain seconded, several were, to its profit, its exact aims, such as German loss of territory to Poland, Austro-Hungarian loss of land to Serbia and proportional reparations from Germany. The most painful failures of the British delegation were not becoming the recipients of the German colonies, and the sole receivers of the Germany navy, not being able to divide the Austro-Hungarian Empire with France as they had planned and not getting the promise that the new nations made from Germany and Austria-Hungary would be part of the new League of Nations. Very little information was available on the British delegation as the Prime Minister’s only comment throughout was either “hunh?” or “No comment!”.