The Versailles Project

The Versailles Project 2003



Italy – the boot end of the treaty

The Italian delegation

Vittorio Orlando will most likely be the least praised leader to return from Versailles. The blame cannot be placed entirely upon him, though it is tempting to do so. Upon arriving in Versailles, the Italian delegation learned that most of the clauses of their secret Treaty of London had been cancelled. In fact, the Italians had lost all of their support for gaining control of the port of Trieste, the entire Dalmatian coast, a port in Albania, a naval base in Albania and aid in case of a civil war in Italy.

The only land Italy gained was in Austria-Hungary and, after much back room dealings, the naval bases along the Dalmatian coast in exchange for the port of Trieste going to Serbia. This was only supported on the threat that the two nations would start another war if their motion did not pass.

The other successful Italian aims were the receiving of cash reparations from Germany (which was proposed by Serbia), the canceling of all Allied war debts (an impressive blow) and the dismantling of the German military, though this was restricted to the navy, though was rendered useless by the American clause of general disarmament.

The lively Italian spirit that prevented them from achieving so many of their aims


The President and one of his aides relaxing between motions