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IB History Induction Programme

During the first three weeks of Y12, the school operates a system of induction to introduce the students to the skills required for the IB programme. As well as allowing the teachers to assess the study skills of the new students, it is also an opportunity for the students to get a taste of each of their six subjects and if necessary make changes in their options. At the end of three weeks the following form is completed by the teacher about each student.
Activities Resources
Note making and factual recall (Individual)

Date of factual test: 24 September 2004 (Lesson 3)

The Changing Nature of Warfare 1700-1945 - Neil Stewart, Chapter 4, 'War in the Industrial Age: 1815-1914' (51-73) History Skills: A Student's Handbook, Mary Abbott, Chapter 4, Notemaking (36-41). 
Historical research activity (i) Two students research a 20th century history topic of their own choice, presenting their work in the form of a website. (Paired work) Internet and Media Centre

History Skills: A Student's Handbook, Mary Abbott, Chapter 5, Essay Writing  (42-53) and Chapter 7, Classes (62-76) includes useful advice about how to make a presentation. 

See the presentations and websites from 2003


Historical research activity (ii) Essay (Individual). The question is devised by the student and is derived from the topic chosen for website activity. (Deadline 24 September 2004)
Historical research activity (iii) Oral presentation (10-15 minutes) of the essay using PowerPoint. This presentation will be filmed for purposes of self-analysis (Week Beginning 20 September 2004)