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International School of Toulouse - History - Articles

Teaching history in a laptop learning environment is an interesting and unusual opportunity. Since 1999, Richard Jones-Nerzic has written a number of online articles and seminar papers about this experience.

'The Laptop Revolution' - Teaching History Online, No 4, March 2001
'Teaching History in a Laptop Classroom, School in the Future? ' - Seminar hosted by History Teachers' Discussion Forum, June 2003
Teaching history with a hypertext curriculum - Seminar hosted by History Teachers' Discussion Forum, October 2003
Using forums in the history classroom
-  History Teachers' Discussion Forum April 2004
'La enseñanza de historia en un aula con ordenadores portátiles' - Article published in the Spanish history teaching journal Iber, No 41, July 2004.
Lessons in Universal Laptop Usage - Becta - November 2005
Digital Video in the History Classroom - e-Help Seminar, International Education Forum January 2006
School of the Future - by Kim Thomas - Futurelab August 2006


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