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The Versailles Project 2004

The Minutes  

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Motion 1 Austria to gain protection from Germany, Austria, Serbia or communists in case of attack or civil war. 


Proposed by Italy

Seconded by Poland

Vote Failed,  2 supported, 4 against

Motion 2  Creation of independent Polish state with Warsaw as a capital


Proposed by Poland

Seconded by Italy

Vote Passed, 6 supported, none against 

Motion 3 Port of Trieste to become part of Serbia  


Proposed by Serbia 

Seconded by Seconder withdrew support 

Vote  Failed

Motion 4 Land where there are Italians in West-Austria and South Germany, should be returned to Italy.


Proposed by  Italy

Seconded by  France

Vote  Passed, 4 supported, 2 abstention

Motion 5  Poland to enlarge to include West Prussia and Danzig


Proposed by   Poland

Seconded by Italy

Vote  Passed, 6 supported

Motion 6  Bosnia should become part of Serbia


Proposed by Serbia

Seconded by  USA

Vote  Passed, 4 supported, 2 against

Motion 7  France receives Alsace-Lorraine that was lost in 1871 to Germany


Proposed by France 

Seconded by Italy

Vote Passed, 6 supported

Motion 8 Great Britain should get Kaiser Wilhelm's land and south west Africa 


Proposed by  Great Britain 

Seconded by  Italy

Vote Passed, 5 supported, 1 against 

Motion 9 A league (organization) of nations should be set up.


Proposed by  USA

Seconded by  Italy

Vote Passed, 6 supported, none against 

Motion 10 For Italy to gain governing power over Dalmatian Coast apart from Montenegro and Albania.


Proposed by Italy

Seconded by  Not signed by Poland

Vote Failed 

Motion 11 As we (Poland) are a new state we need economic help from losing powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary)  


Proposed by Poland

Seconded by Great Britain 

Vote Passed, 6 supported, none against 

Motion 12 Dalmatian Coast to be given to Serbia and Serbia populated lands to the west of Serbia. 


Proposed by Serbia  

Seconded by USA 

Vote Failed, 2 supported, 3 against 

Motion 13 Germany should except responsibility for causing the Great War.  


Proposed by  France

Seconded by Poland 

Vote Passed, 5 agreed, 1 against

Amendment 14 Reparations to be paid by Germany to pay and compensation for the destruction caused. 2 billion pounds for France and 2 billion pounds for Great Britain. Other amounts negotiable for USA and Italy 


Proposed by  Great Britain 

Seconded by France 

Vote Passed, 4 agreed, 2 against

Amendment 15 Principle of self-determination should be applied to countries throughout Europe and all of the world.


Proposed by USA 

Seconded by Serbia

Vote Failed, 3 agreed, 3 against 

Motion 16 Italian protectorate of all small states down Dalmatian Coast


Proposed by  Italy

Seconded by  Poland

Vote Passed, 4 supported, 2 against 

Motion 17 Western part of Ukraine to be part of Poland  


Proposed by   Poland 

Seconded by France  

Vote  Passed, 3 supported, 1 against, 2 abstention

Motion 18  Southern part of Dalmatian Coast. Croatia, Slovenia 


Proposed by Serbia 

Seconded by  USA

Vote Not passed contradicts earlier motions

Motion 19 The Saarland to be given to France 


Proposed by  France 

Seconded by  Poland 

Vote Fails, 2 supported, 3 against, 1 abstention 

Motion 20 Togo and Saarland to be controlled by League of Nations 


Proposed by  Britain

Seconded by   USA

Vote  Failed, 3 supported, 3 against

Motion 21 The German Forces should leave Belgium 


Proposed by USA

Seconded by  Great Britain 

Vote Passed, 6 supported

Motion 22 That Togo is placed under Italian rule.


Proposed by Italy  

Seconded by France 

Vote Failed, 3 supported, 3 against

Motion 23 Western part of Ukraine to be part of Poland


Proposed by Poland   

Seconded by France

Vote Passed, 3 supported, 3 abstentions 

Motion 24 The Vovojinda  region of Hungary should go to the northern part of Serbia


Proposed by Serbia 

Seconded by Britian

Vote  Passed, 5 supported, 1 against

Motion 25 France to gain the Saar land to compensate for war losses


Proposed by France 

Seconded by  Itlay 

Vote  Failed, due to technicalities

Motion 26 Germany's naval power to be reduced and military force in the west. Forces can be left in the east to fend off communism.


Proposed by Great Britian

Seconded by France 

Vote  Passed, 5 supported, 1 against

Motion 27 Non-Turkish people in the Turkish Empire should be freed to have their own government. 


Proposed by USA

Seconded by Great Britian

Vote Failed, 3 supported, 2 against, 1 abstention

Motion 28 A France/Italian split down east Africa.


Proposed by Italy  

Seconded by France 

Vote Rejected on Technicality

Motion 29 Poland to be ruled by a democratic, independent, elected government.


Proposed by Poland  

Seconded by Italy 

Vote Passed, 5 supported, 1 abstention

Motion 30 The Kaiser and especially the emperor of Austria-Hungary should stand trial.


Proposed by Serbia

Seconded by great Britian

Vote Failed, 3 supported, 3 abstention

Motion 31 Kaiser Wilhelm the second to be put on trial by an international court of justice.


Proposed by France  

Seconded by Italy

Vote Passed, 6 supported, None against

Motion 32 Saar land to become part of league of nations.


Proposed by Great Britain

Seconded by USA

Vote Failed due to technicality

Motion 33 Separate Austria and Hungary into 2 countries.


Proposed by  USA  

Seconded by Great Britain 

Vote  Passed, 5 supported, 1 abstention

Motion 34 An Italian controlled Kuwait


Proposed by Italy

Seconded by France

Vote Failed, 3 supported, 2 against, 1 abstention

Motion 35: Poland get 2 billion from Germany, 750million dollars from Austria - Hungary in agreement with previous motion


Proposed by Poland  

Seconded by Great Britain 

Vote Rejected on Technicality

Motion 36: Emperor and his government should stand trial for aggressive war at an international tribunal


Proposed by Serbia

Seconded by Great Britain

Vote Passed, 6 supported 

Motion 38: Saarland to become a protectorate of League of Nations


Proposed by Great Britain

Seconded by USA

Vote Passed, 6 supported

Motion 39: All world powers should join the League of Nations and contribute military and economic aid


Proposed by  USA

Seconded by  Great Britain

Vote Passed, 5 supported, 1 abstention

Motion 40: An Italian controlled Kuwait


Proposed by  Italy

Seconded by Poland 

Vote Passed, 5 supported, 1 against

Motion 41: 2 billion dollars from Germany to Poland and 750 million dollars from Austria -Hungary to Poland in agreement with previous amendment.


Proposed by Poland

Seconded by Italy

Vote Passed, 4 supported, 1 against, 1 abstention

Motion 42: Albania should become a protectorate by Serbia monitored by the League of Nations


Proposed by Serbia

Seconded by USA 

Vote Passed, 5 supported, 1 abstention

Motion 43: Germany to pay reparations to the winning countries, amount to be discussed.


Proposed by France

Seconded by Great Britian

Vote Passed, 5 supported, 1 abstention.

Motion 44: The League of nations to support the building up of Poland (financial and other)


Proposed by Great Britain

Seconded by Poland

Vote Passed, 6 supported

Motion 45: Free navigation of seas and trade amongst all world countries


Proposed by USA

Seconded by Serbia

Vote Passed, 5 supported, 1 against

Motion 46: Separation of East African colonies to be shared between France and Italy


Proposed by  Italy 

Seconded by USA 

Vote Passed, 5 supported, 1 against

Motion 47: Security from war with communist Russia through alliance with Italy


Proposed by Poland

Seconded by Italy

Vote Passed, 6 supported

Motion 48: Reparations from the defeated powers to help rebuild our newly established country. 1.5 billion dollars( 75 percent from Austria- Hungary)


Proposed by Serbia

Seconded by Great Britain 

Vote Passed, 4 supported, 2 against

Motion 49: Split Germany into two states Germany/Prussia


Proposed by France

Seconded by Italy

Vote Failed, 3 supported, 3 against

Motion 50: All the reparation money to go to the league of nations who will give it out to all winning countries gradually as rebuilding goes on.


Proposed by Great Britain  

Seconded by USA

Vote Passed, 4 supported, 1 against, 1 abstention

Motion 51: No secret treaty - they should all be public.


Proposed by USA 

Seconded by Italy

Vote Passed, 5 supported, 1 abstention



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