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The Versailles Project 2003 

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The Conference Rules 2003

1  Attendance 

  1. Each Head of State must sit at the conference table throughout the meeting. He/She must be accompanied by at least one civil servant at all times.
  2. Messages may only be passed between countries by the 'second' civil servant. 
  3. Civil servants may leave the conference table and meet with other civil servants outside the conference room in the History 'lounge'.
  4. Civil Servants must rotate so as to be in attendance at the conference table for only one motion/amendment at a time.
2  Motions
  1. Motions and Amendments must be completed on an official Motion Card (see example).
  2. Motions and Amendments must be seconded and signed by a second Head of State.
  3. Amendments can only change the detail of a proposal not its substance. Amendments can not contradict an earlier Motion.
  4. Motions and Amendment cards must be passed via a civil servant to the Chairman. 
  5. Motions will be debated in order in strict country rotation, beginning with the host country and then continuing alphabetically. 
 3  Voting
  1. Only the Head of State may vote.
  2. To vote the Head of State must raise the official voting card when requested by the Chairman. 
  3. A country may abstain.
  4. A Motion or Amendment is carried on a majority (4/6) vote.
4  Historical Penalties
A motion may be nullified and a country will 'miss a turn' if any of the following historical errors are committed:
  1. Anachronistic Error: the Motion or Amendment assumes knowledge unavailable to the original participants of the Paris Peace Conference. 
  2. Empathetic Error: the Motion or Amendment assumes an attitude of mind inconsistent with that of the original participants of the Paris Peace Conference.

Rulings will be made by the Chairman and are subject to challenge, however the Chairman's decision is final.

The Versailles Project 2003


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