Germany 1918- 45 subject content
The Revolution of 1918
and the establishment of the Republic. The Versailles settlement and
German reactions to it. The Weimar constitution, main political
divisions, role of the army. Political disorder, 1919-23; economic
crises and hyper-inflation; the occupation of the Ruhr, 1923. The
Stresemann era. Cultural achievements of the Weimar period.
The early years of the
Nazi Party; Nazi ideas and methods; the Munich Putsch; the roles of
Hitler and other Nazi leaders. The impact of the Depression on Germany;
political, economic and social crisis of 1930-33; reasons for Nazis'
rise to power; Hitler takes power, the Reichstag Fire and the election
of 1933.
Nazi rule in Germany;
the Enabling Act; the night of the Long Knives; the death of Hindenburg;
removal of opposition; methods of control and repression; use of culture
and the mass media. Economic policy including rearmament. Different
experiences of Nazi rule; women and young people; anti-semitism,
persecution of minorities. Opposition to Nazi rule.
Impact of the Second
World War on Germany; conversion to war economy; the Final Solution.