IGCSE History
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Term 5
Exams and Revision

IGCSE Term 1        September-December        Year 10

Key Questions Focus Points
What caused the First World War? What were the general causes of the First World War?
How far did colonial problems create tensions between the Great Powers?
Did the Alliance System make war more or less likely?
Why were the problems in the Balkans so difficult for the Great Powers to solve?
How did the assassination of Franz Ferdinand lead to war?
Which country was most to blame for the start of the First World War?
End of Unit Test  (1) Causes of the First World War
Why did the First World War change the world? What was it like to fight in the First World War?
How were people's lives affected by the First World War?
How did the First World War help cause the Russian Revolution?
Were the Peace Treaties of 1919-23 fair?   What were the motives and aims of the Big Three at Versailles?
Why did all the victors not get everything they wanted?
What was the impact of the peace treaties on Germany and Eastern Europe?
Were the Peace Treaties of 1919 fair?
To what extent was the League of Nations a success in the 1920s? How far did weaknesses in the League's organisation make failure inevitable?
How successful was the League of Nations in the 1920s?
End of Unit Test (2) The Peace Treaties and Consequences 1919-29