Activities |
Resources |
Six problems for the Big Three. Draw a
revision diagram to show the problems faced by Wilson, Lloyd-George
and Clemenceau before they arrived in Paris. |
McAleavy (12) outlines six problems faced
by the peacemakers even before they met in 1919. See an Laura's
example from 2001 or Hannah's
from 2002. Most original get added here.
On everything about Versailles
see the brilliant
Compile a table or make a Venn
Diagram to illustrate the aims of the 'Big Three' at Versailles.
It is important to demonstrate how the aims of the peacemakers were
often contradictory. |
McAleavy (12-17) and Mason (16-17) have
all the detail you need.
D Clare on the aims of the peacemakers. A short descriptive essay.
This BBC site on the treaty will give
you additional 'copy and paste' info.
Write up the Treaty debated and passed in
the Versailles Project by IGCSE and IB Historians. |
See examples of previous treaties: 2000,