IGCSE History
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Term 5
Exams and Revision

What were the causes of the First World War?

Activities Resources
We begin by gaining an overview of the causes of the First World War. 

Was the war the fault of the German government? Written evaluation activities on pages 5 and 6 of McAleavy, the long term and short-term causes of the war. Any judgment you reach will be provisional i.e. you might change your view after you have studied events in detail.

McAleavy (4-7) Lots of videos and DVDs are available in the History room library on this question. Ask to borrow them. 
Introduction to using the Internet for studying WWI. Research the different types of website available on the war. Write a short hyperlinked review of one section of a website you have found useful. On the technical qualities of website (i.e. not the quality of the content) see the IST Humanities guide to good to website design. On the war in general the following sites are good places to begin your research:
BBC World War One
BBC Schools WWI Curriculum Bite
Trenches on the Web
Spartacus WWI Encyclopedia
Learning Curve: The Great War

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