Read both
texts before you begin. Make notes which contribute to understanding
of the question of whether people benefited from Nazi rule under the
following headings:
- Employment and the workers
- Economy and living standards
- Leisure and free time (Use handout
sheet for examples)
Finally, draw up a revision
diagram/table which plans an answer to the essay question 'did most
people benefit from Nazi rule? You will need two columns dividing
your page 'Yes' and 'No', with explanations and evidential support.
Grey and
Little (56-57)
Brooman Germany (73-75) and (86-7)
Handout sheet '3740 Hours: Leisure in
Nazi Germany'
The 1936 Berlin
"'A weak dictatorship' or
'masters of the Third Reich'? Which is the more accurate description
of the Nazi leadership in the period 1933-45" Essay by Martyn
Housden. (Potential IB students only)
Activity. You have been sent to Germany on a Top Secret Mission.
Your task is to get hold of a bomb, leave it in a room where Hitler
will be having a party, then make it back to England. Play the decision
making game and revise your knowledge of life in Nazi Germany.
Play a Quandary
making game. You are a spy for the British Secret Service
in the 1930's. |
you begin, download
this worksheet and and fill it in as you go. An excellent
revision activity before the end-of-unit test. |