IGCSE History
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Term 5
Exams and Revision

What were the cultural achievements of the Weimar period?

Activities Resources
In pairs or small groups research and make either linear (i.e. not interactive) PowerPoint presentation or Website on the cultural achievements of Weimar Germany. Which ever format you choose, your assignment should make the most of the multimedia potential of the software. There should be four sections to your presentation:
  1. American Influence
  2. Art, Architecture and Design
  3. Cinema and Photography 
  4. Music and Literature
Grey and Little (27-29)

You will be shown extracts from two films: All Quiet on the Western Front and Metropolis

The following names might be a good place to start: Bertold Brecht, Erich Remarque, Arnold Zweig, Hermann Hesse, Stefan George, Thomas Mann, Alban Berg, Arnold Schaumburg, Paul Klee, Wassily Kandinsky, George Grosz, Walter Gropius, Herman Mathesius, Mendelsohn... no clues as to what they were famous for I'm afraid!

See the group websites/PowerPoints from previous years.

Individual assignment based upon above group work. Produce a one page revision sheet on four themes listed above: American Influence, Architecture and Design, Cinema and Photography,  Music and Literature and a general introduction that explains modernism, expressionism, avante-garde and the attitude of the Nazis (degenerate art). As above and on Nazi views of 'degenerate art' see:  http://fcit.coedu.usf.edu/holocaust/arts/artDegen.htm The site includes links to examples of Weimar art (and other 'degenerate' art) in museums around the world today.

'In July 1937, Adolf Hitler's Nazi party mounted an exhibition of confiscated art, "Entartete Kunst," meaning, "Degenerate Art." It showcased--and ridiculed--the work of contemporary artists such as Max Beckman, Emil Nolde, Otto Dix, Oskar Kokoschka, and over 200 others. The exhibition was intended to show the public the insanity, atrocity, and depravity of the modern art movement. Artists included in the show, many of whom are now recognized as modern masters, were depicted as demented, deranged, and subhuman. On March 20th, 1939, the Degenerate Art Commission ordered over one thousand paintings and almost four thousand watercolors and drawings burned in the courtyard of a fire station in Berlin. ' from http://www.ovationtv.com/artszone/programs/degenerate/