IGCSE History
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Term 5
Exams and Revision

Was the policy of appeasement justified ?

Activities Resources
Watch and note the video The Nazis: A warning from History Episode 3 The Wrong War 

This video is divided into two sections, in this first section we examine Hitler's foreign policy upto Austrian Crisis.

Online lesson about the Rhineland crisis. On March 7th 1936 German troops marched into the Rhineland. This was Hitler’s first illegal act in foreign relations since coming to power in 1933 and it threw the European allies, especially France and Britain, into confusion.
What should Britain and France do about his actions?
From Rhineland the 'Anschluss'. What can we learn about Hitler from the crises over the Rhineland and Austria?  McAleavy (64-67)

Complete questions on p.67

Watch and note the video The Nazis: A warning from History Episode 3 The Wrong War 

This video is divided into two sections, in this second section we exam Hitler's foreign policy after the Austrian Crisis.

Read and annotate 'Making Friends with Hitler' an article by Professor Ian Kershaw, the historical advisor of the Nazis: a warning from history series.  'Making Friends with Hitler' by Ian Kershaw, published in the BBC History Magazine, November 2004.
Munich and the destruction of Czechoslovakia. 

Background reading and activities 1 and 2 Mason (39).

McAleavy (68-71) Mason (38-9)

Optional online lesson about appeasement:

Chamberlain's meeting with Hitler on Sept 15 1938. Both activities involves you accessing the original source material stored in the British Public Record Office. This is a particularly useful activity for providing further evidence for your coursework activity.

What was Chamberlain trying to achieve?

For a view of how Hitler was perceived by the English ruling elites around the time of Munich, have a look at this article from Homes and Gardens, November 1938.

This article published in The Guardian explains how Homes and Gardens attempted to stop their 1938 article from being posted on the Internet.