Prepare revision notes to
explain the long and short-term causes of the Hungarian
Causes include:
Political (Death of Stalin, Khrushchev's speech, role of
AVO and Soviet troops, events in Poland and popularity of Imre
Socio-Economic (standard of living, poor harvest in
summer 1956, fuel shortages)
Cultural (Hungarian Nationalism or Patriotism, Soviet
control of education and persecution of the Catholic Church,
censorship) |
Mason (68-9) is a very good
summary of the main causes and consequences but you do need to make
sure that your causes go back to the death of Stalin (1953) and
Khrushchev's 'secret speech' at the Twentieth (Communist) Party
Congress in 1956.
Aylett (18-9) is a little better on long-term causes.
Don't forget to read the exam board's book (McAleavy 145-8) which
is good for visuals as well.

Although we may not have time to
see the video, episode 7 of the Cold War series deals with the
consequences of the death of Stalin. |
Stalin: 1953-56). As usual ,the website has some excellent
resources for those who want to know more about the events. Of
particular interest are interactive maps of Eastern
Europe and Hungary,
background biographical information on (amongst others) Irme
Nagy and simulation roleplay that challenges you play the
part of Nikita
Khrushchev. |