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Welcome to the archive of the International School of Toulouse Humanities Website

This is the Humanities Department website that existed at the International School of Toulouse until the summer of 2007. The content of the site dates from the school's foundation in 1999. I have tried to keep the website pretty much as it was but large files and some 700+ videos had to be removed. Some of those videos are currently being uploaded and hosted at YouTube, a selection of which are below. As a consequence there are many, many dead links. Sorry. Richard Jones-Nerzic, September 2007.

Visitor number to this homepage since March 2005

Versailles Role-Play Propaganda Movies 
 Albi Trip St Sernin Trip
 Madrid Trip Lascaux Trip
Aviation Project Reichstag Fire
IB Extended Essays  Internal Assessments
Oradour sur Glane Medieval Pilgrimage Project London c1600 debate French Revolution films Appeasement roleplay
Cold War Documentary Spanish Civil War

Spartacus Learning Online MacGregor is History Historia Siglo 20 Compton History International School History Sintermeertencollege InnovativeICT.net IB Film